I’ve been enjoying reading about all of the New Year “stuff” this week. The trend this year seems to be steering away from resolutions and more toward focus. We shouldn’t make an over-the-top resolution and set ourselves up to fail. How many times have we done that?
What I’ve seen much ado about this year is “One Word.” Everywhere I turn online I see someone talking about his or her word for 2012. Well, with my newfound passion for writing, I began my word search.
But there are so many words!
Determination…that’s a great one. I’m determined to run a 5k. I’m determined to get my rough draft finished before May.
Perspective...another good one for me. It seems that all I’ve learned in the last year has changed my perspective on things. I have a much more eternal perspective these days. And when we look at things from a different perspective, we can learn so much.
Purpose…2012 will be a year to begin to fulfill my purpose. Last year I found it, this year I’m starting to fulfill it.
These were three of my top choices, but there is one word that keeps coming to mind no matter what. I spent seven years trying to “fix” myself. I learned I could not do it. Last year was a year full of learning new things…blogging, writing, publishing…to begin to fulfill my purpose. My mind as whirled and twirled as I’d think “what if” this or “what if” that. I’d question whether or not I was doing the right thing–making the right choice. At every turn, I was reminded that I am not in control.
Yes, I know it’s the standard church answer, but for 2012, the first year I’ve chose a word, my word is…simply…“God.”
Have you chosen your one word for 2012?
From my heart,
P.s. Click the following link and see what word others have chosen.