Archives for 28 January, 2012

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Get Real!

Facebook is an amazing phenomenon of our culture, but for the most part, it’s not real. I don’t know why I’m always amazed to see pictures of “happily ever after” posted only to hear through the grapevine they didn’t quite make it “til death do us part,” but there may be a death before it’s over. What people share on Facebook is limited, and often skewed to give a good impression. 
We must develop real relationships in our lives. God commands us to share our troubles with one another. To have compassion.
Why are we so worried about what other will think? Does it really matter? 
Think about one of your closest friends. Now think back to the first time you met them. Did you imagine that you would ever share with them what they now know about you? Probably not. 
When we can be transparent, relationships become real. 
We need other people in our lives. God knew it as soon as he created Adam. 
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; 
I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18 (ESV)
Studies have shown repeatedly that relationships are beneficial to our psychological and physical health. One of Satan’s greatest tools is loneliness. If he can make us feel like we are alone in our struggles, it’s much easier for him to get a stronghold on us. Believe me. I know. Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve been amazed at the number of people who have shared similar struggles with me. What if I had been transparent sooner? 
I would urge you to nurture your relationships. Be forthcoming and honest with the precious friends in your life. Be real. Everyone struggles. Everyone goes through difficult times. I promise you will be surprised; when you think you are making yourself vulnerable by sharing your struggle, you will find strength. And when you share your battles, chances are they will too. At that point, you enter into a relationship of kindness and altruism with this friend, which has the added bonus of increasing serotonin! See how it all works together? 
This weekend, spend less time on Facebook and go have lunch with a friend. That’s what I’m doing in an hour. 
Gotta run! 
From my heart, 