Archives for 25 February, 2012

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Forgiveness

Today’s tip to a happier you is forgiveness. 

First, forgive me for such a quick post today. I have been invited to speak this weekend, so I’ve been busy preparing (and biting my nails =o/) and haven’t had time to spend much time blogging this week. 

God commands us to forgive over and over again in His word. 

Holding a grudge only hurts the one holding it. It can consume and destroy you from the inside out. 

I am short on time, but know that I love each and every one of you who read my blog, so I am leaving you in very capable hands today with a link to a post by Ann Voskamp at “A Holy Experience”  on forgiveness. Her writing style is unlike any other, and I love her photography! I hope you enjoy it! 

From my heart,
