Archives for 5 March, 2012

Make-a-change Monday~Don’t Be a Sloth

So let’s review. 

What small changes have you made so far this year? Are you sticking to them? Have you seen any result? 

Here are our “Make-a-Change Monday’s” so far: 

We’ve attempted to work on our physical body, our spiritual relationship with God, our home, and our relationships. It’s hard isn’t it? Even though these are very small changes, we must continue them to make a difference in our lives—to be able to look back at the end of this year and see a difference. 

Today I’m giving us a little break from new changes, and taking time to review how well we’ve done on the changes we’ve attempted thus far. 

My hubby can tell you I love to stay in my pajamas if I don’t have anywhere to be first thing. If my plans are to write, or any other work that requires my computer, it will be lunchtime and I’ll still be in my pj’s! He hates it, and honestly I do too. So why do I still do it? Could it be the “L” word? 

Look at today’s prescription verse. Let’s break it down: 

Do not be slothful

Here’s what the dictionary has to say:

slothful |ˈslôθfəl; släθ-; ˈslōθ-|
lazy : fatigue made him slothful. (yep, there’s the “L” word)

fatigue made him slothfullazyidle, indolent, inactive, sluggish, apathetic, lethargic, listless, languid, torpid; archaic otiose.

Sometimes I feel like this is how I look in the mornings: 

Do not be slothful in zeal...

Here’s what the dictionary has to say about zeal: 
zeal |zēl|
great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective : his zeal for privatization | Laura brought a missionary zeal to her work.
Ross’s zeal for footballpassionardor, love, fervor, fire, avidity, devotion, enthusiasm, eagerness, keenness, appetite, relish, gusto, vig-or,energy,intensity; fanaticism. ANTONYMS apathy, indifference.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t typically have too much zeal while I’m still in my
pajamas. To feel zealous, I must act. 
Making “to do” lists of the things I want to accomplish does not get anything accomplished! 
Since November, I’ve been running. On day one, I started out running for 2 minutes, then walking for 3 minutes, for a total of 25 minutes. Today, I’m up to 30 minutes without walking. Do I look forward to running? No. I pretty much dread it…until I go put my workout clothes on, put my headphones on, and get outside. Then I’m motivated to accomplish something.
Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit…
fervent |ˈfərvənt|
having or displaying a passionate intensity : a fervent disciple of tax reform.See note at eager .
• archaic hot, burning, or glowing.
a fervent prayerimpassionedpassionate, intense, vehement, ardent,sincere, fervid, heartfelt; enthusiastic, zealous, fanatical, hardcore,wholehearted, avid, eager, keen, committed, dedicated, devout; literaryperfervid. ANTONYMS apathetic.
Passion is the word I like to use for fervent. I had passion for a few things/people growing up, but God was not one of them. It wasn’t until I really got to know God that I loved Him enough to be passionate about Him. I wish I could say I just kept pursuing Him until I got Him, but it was His pursuing me that got my attention. 

Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.

serve |serv|
1 perform duties or services for (another person or an organization):
    Malcolm has served the church very faithfully

they served their masters faithfully: work for, be in the service of, be employed by; obey.

Obey. That’s the difficult part of service, especially when it comes to serving God. Who
knows what he will ask? I have learned the hard way that obedience is the only way to go. 

We can only be truly happy when we live a life of obedience to Him. 

Anything we want to accomplish takes change. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. I’m
amazed at the person I’ve become in the last year, and it’s been all about small changes. Yes,
I still battle with the whole pajama thing, but I’m getting there! 
So I guess it’s time to go get dressed…

From my heart, 
