Archives for 21 March, 2012

My Irrational Fear

Well, I knew it would happen sooner or later. I have to face my own irrational fear

God showed me his almighty power on September 25, 2010, in no uncertain terms. I know he has a plan. I know he is in control. 

I know it, I know it, I know it.
But…I don’t fly on the same airplane as my hubby if the kids aren’t along for the trip. I mean, if we all die together that’s one thing; or if one if us dies, they will still have the other. But when we are travelling together…. you get the picture.
In my head I know it’s irrational to fly on separate planes. Not to mention inconvenient.
If it were in God’s plan—for whatever reason—to take us at that particular time, our planes would crash into each other. Right?  I actually cancelled a free trip to Lake Tahoe one time because I was having a panic attack about flying on the same plane. Crazy!
So I knew it was bound to happen. David wants me to go with him to a conference in Florida next month. There’s no way the kids can go, and there’s really not an option to fly separately. But this time, I didn’t look for that option.
It’s time I let that fear go.
I trust God. I have faith in God. I know He has a plan. I know He’s in control.
It could not be any clearer than in today’s prescription verse:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God is with you wherever you go.
Do you have an irrational fear?
From my heart,