Archives for 12 May, 2012

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Have a Happy Mother’s Day!

To all of you who are mothers, Happy Mother’s Day! To all of you who are not biological mothers, you have the opportunity to be a mother to someone. All it takes is love…unconditional love.

Every child has a love language, and all three of my children get their love tanks filled with my undivided time and attention. So this mother’s day, whether you are a child spending time with your mother, or a mother spending time with your child(ren), or just spending time with someone you love, my {tip to a happier you} for mother’s day is to fill someone’s love tank.

I’m filling my kid’s (and hubby’s) love tank this weekend by putting away my computer. It may seem like a vacation for me, but trust me, it’s a sacrifice…especially with a writer’s conference coming up next week.

So fill someone’s love tank this weekend. Remember, doing something for someone else helps you take the focus off of yourself, and altruism actually has been proven to increase those good hormones in your brain to make you happy!

From my heart, 