Archives for 23 July, 2012


Don’t you just love this verse? Current application for me: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

We are immersing ourselves in white sugary beaches and tantalizing blue water.

(View from our balcony)

Rest for a while, he says.

Vacations of my past were filled with the stress and anxiety of addiction, migraine headaches and seizures. Especially at the beach. The glaring sun and blistering heat set up perfect conditions. Those vacations were anything but restful—only stressful and guilt-ridden. My family suffered the consequences of my depression.

But no more.

I’m enjoying every little bit of this vacation, thankful for every minute of freedom, good health, and happiness.

So as I take a little time away from my blog, I pray that you will be enjoying a little rest as well as this summer comes to an end.

I’m sure I won’t be able to stay away for too long though. I’ll see you soon!

From my heart, 