Archives for September 2012

The Trap of Addiction~Visit me today at

Drugs do not discriminate when choosing their prey. Living in a society so dependent on pharmaceuticals, it’s easy to fall into Satan’s trap of addiction. Our human nature desires immediate gratification, which is one of the most powerful tools Satan uses.

I’m super excited today to have an article over at Addiction Blog today. Addiction Blog is a resource for all types of addiction, but is almost exclusively educational. I’ve been given the opportunity to share my knowledge as a pharmacist, and at the same time, share my experience of addiction as a Christian. As I stated in a recent blog post, I won’t be posting as often on here in order to writing on other sites and working on the book, but I’ll always let you know where I am!

From my heart,


Serving a Supernatural God in an Ordinary World—Is He Your Superhero?


For seven years I sought the help of medical doctors, psychologists, chiropractors, and other natural healers to cure me of grand-mal seizures, migraine headaches, depression, and opiate addiction. I hate the think about the thousands upon thousands of dollars I spent doing so.

All that time, I had a direct line to a Superhero. I kept relying on worldly resources when I really needed the Great Physician. The creator of the universe. The ultimate healer. The one who holds the answers to every question. The one who holds the master plan.

As is human nature, I looked for answers myself. I failed. As a Christian, I had direct access to the supernatural. Being born again give you access to the spiritual world. I mean think about it. “Born Again.” You certainly can’t be stuffed back into your mother’s uterus!

 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:3 NLT)

Born again = Born from above.

I just had to get past myself to realize it. Which apparently took seven years, because apparently I’m fairly stubborn. Once I finally stopped looking inward, and began looking upward, asking God his plan, he healed me overnight. Exactly two years ago today.

On September 25, 2010, I woke up completely free.

Seizures? Gone.

Headaches? Gone.

Depression? Gone.

Addiction? Gone.

He reached his arm down into this ordinary world, and lifted me up to a supernatural place. Other than a few minor headaches, I can honestly say I’ve been completely free from seizures and all medication.

Happy Birthday to me!

Do you have a problem that is beyond your control? Release it to God. Seek out his plan. He can handle it. He’s THE SUPERHERO.


From my heart,


Patience…I’m learning WordPress

Patience. Not my strongest virtue.

I’ve decided to switch from blogger to wordpress, and the learning curve is huge! So I’ll be exercising my patience and yours as I rebuild this website…and during such a busy time of my life!

I will not give up.

I will not give up.

I will not give up.

There. First wordpress post complete. Time to hit “publish” and see how it looks! I’m sure I have a long way to go to get this site up to speed…

Blessings y’all!

From my heart,
