Archives for December 2012

“Change your thoughts and you change your world”~Norman Vincent Peale


One of the first non-fiction books I ever read was The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. I was in my first year of college at Clemson University, and I was hopelessly homesick. My mom put everything into my hands she could to help me through that first semester at Clemson, and that book was part of the package.

It’s a shame wisdom comes with age, but I’m sure it’s all part of God’s plan. That’s one of those questions I’ll ask Him someday.  From that first year at Clemson, through pharmacy school at USC, marriage, three children, too many funerals to count, seven years of grand-mal seizures and migraine headaches and addiction to narcotics, God has instilled much wisdom. My hubby has always said, “Hindsight is 20/20” and he is so right. Even after all of the struggles of life I’ve survived, I still need reminders to help remember what’s important in life.

I’ve always said I wish I could write on the inside of my eyelids, so I’d get a subliminal message every time I blink. So for the first ten days of the new year, I thought I’d share some of those “eyelid reminders” with you and remind myself in the process.

So join me for the next ten days for some “celestial” wisdom (celestial meaning “heavenly,” of course)…thoughts to renew your mind and so that you might be transformed to live a happy, God-centered life.

P.S. Sign up for your prescriptions to come right to your email so you don’t miss any 😉

As a bonus start to a blessed new year, here’s a free printable for your fridge, mirror, or wherever you might need a little reminder and join along with me as we go through these thought for the first ten days of 2013. SmileI’m thinking my bathroom mirror…enjoy!

Click here to download the free PDF printable: Click here to download your “Ten Thoughts” Printable 🙂

Ten LIfe-Changing Thoughts for a Happy 2013


Happy Birthday My Trevor~My very first letter to you…

that'smyboy copy

Today we are celebrating Trevor’s 14th birthday. When each of my children were born, I carefully and meticulously chose their baby book and wrote them each their own lullaby. I kept a journal for each one, recording funny, sweet, and sad stories about each one. All of my children love to hear stories from when David and I were little, but there are so many we can’t remember. Hopefully, by journaling (and now blogging), my grandchildren (that sounds really weird to say) will know all of the great stories that shaped the generation before them.

I will enjoy sharing some of those stories here on my blog—as a legacy for my children, and hopefully as reminders and tips for better parenting skills. Sometimes it’s hard to remember what works and what doesn’t! Plus, every child is different. Parenting is a tough business and requires much wisdom and prayer. To quote my friend Betsy again:

In honor of Trevor’s birthday, I thought I’d share this letter I wrote in his baby book. Now when Miranda was born (I’ll share her letter with you on her birthday in April), I wrote her letter within the first few weeks. Obviously, the more children you have, the longer it takes to get things done. So I didn’t write Trevor’s first letter until he was almost a year old! But just so you know, all three of my children have COMPLETE baby books for their first five years…patting myself on the back at this very moment 😉

Without a doubt, I fall short of being the parent I should. Thankfully, God’s grace intervenes where I fail. So far, David and I have raised three pretty great kids. Not without flaws, of course, but great nonetheless. As I share some of their stories with you, I pray that you can filter the good from the bad and let God use my experiences in parenting to make yours better.

Here’s that very first letter to Trevor. I was 29 when I wrote this, and it was all I could do not to “edit” as I typed it here. I’ve learned so much about parenting and writing since I wrote this letter fourteen years ago, but here it is…exactly as originally written. With much love.











Dear Trevor,

You are turning a year old this week, and I can’t believe I’m just now writing you this letter! It’a a lot harder to get things done with two children than with just one, but at least your baby book is up to date. I think that’s a pretty big accomplishment!

You are such a good baby. This first year with you has been wonderful. I fell in love with you the minute I saw you and my love for you grows deeper each day. You have been born into such a wonderful family. You are so blessed! Much more than you can possibly know yet, and God has blessed us with you! You have a wonderful daddy that loves you so much. He plays with you every opportunity he gets.

And Miranda loves you so much! She calls herself “sissy’ to you, though we don’t know what you will call her yet. She has never been jealous of you like most older siblings are. To her, you are as much her baby as you are mine and daddy’s. She hasn’t kept her hands off of you this whole first year. When you first came home from the hospital, she was lying in the floor with you and she looked up at me and said, “I love this baby!” You tolerate her amazingly well—you just grunt a little when she squeezes you too tight.

When you were in my tummy I was explaining to Miranda how you would be born and that you would have a little blood on you when you first came out. That was all she had to hear. She would say, “I want to see him as soon as he comes out—with the blood on him!” It just so happened that Grandma Elizabeth could hear enough outside the delivery room door to let Miranda peek her head in right after you came out. Dr. Coleman held you down for her to see you. You and Miranda have had a special bond from that moment on!

You also have a mommy that loves you more than any other little boy in the whole world! I was so excited when I found I’d be having a son! They say little girls are daddy’s girls and little boys are mommy’s boys. I sure do hope I have a mommy’s boy! So far so good—your first word was “mama.” You made me so happy when you started saying mama!

I hope you like your name. Daddy and I worked hard to pick just the right one. We went through book after book of names. Everyone thought we should name you “Martin” since that’s my maiden name. As neat as that would be, I was afraid you might get some unpleasant nicknames that rhyme with Martin. You can probably guess what that might be. We thought about quite a few names and finally came up with “Trevor” about a week before you were born. We only know one other little boy named “Trevor.” We didn’t want you to have a common name, but we didn’t want you to have a weird name either. So I think we came up with a great name in ‘Trevor.” We think it suits you to a “T.” Of course your middle name, David, is after Daddy. That was non-negotiable from the  minute we found out you were a boy. This made your initials, “TD” for touchdown, and it’s funny because the whole time I was pregnant all I wanted to watch on TV was “Coach.” We even watched it in the delivery room. I had also made tapes that were nothing but “Coach.” Does this mean you’ll be a football payer? Who knows? I’m not sure I’d like the danger involved. I want whatever is in God’s plans for you. He know the plans he has for you and I pray that you will always walk in this path.

I love you so much it’s impossible to put down on paper. You’ll only understand when you have a child of your own. Sometimes in the middle of the night when I’m up with you and it’s just us, I just want to hold you and never let you go–no matter how frustrated I am about you not sleeping through the night. But you’re growing up every day…way to fast and I can’t slow it down! So I can just pray every day that Godly people will always be placed in your path and you will live a long, happy life.

Just always remember: Your mommy loves you so much and I will always love you…no matter what!

I love you!



Merry Christmas!



 If Christmas was supposed to be about Santa, it would have been called Santamus. Or Clausemus. Instead it’s Christmas. There is magic in Christmas, and that magic is Christ.

May you have a magically blessed Christmas, focusing on HIm.

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

(Isaiah 9:6 ESV)


The Perfect Gift for the One Who Has Everything…and the One Who Has Nothing

A water buffalo. A water buffalo? Yep. I just purchased my first water buffalo.

Contrary to what Larry Boy says, everyone does not have a water buffalo. And of course everyone does not need a water buffalo. But for the group of people considered the “delete,” not worthy anything even among their own people, a water buffalo could mean everything. {Care to tweet that?}

Every year when Christmas rolls around, we struggle to figure out what to get people. Before Christmas every year, I work to clean out closets to make room for the new stuff…new stuff we don’t even need. So why not go out of the box this year? Wrap up a copy of the Silly Songs Veggie Tales DVD and give a water buffalo in honor of that person who has everything! My kids will be excited to know that’s what they are getting for Christmas this year!  Okay, maybe they’ll get a little something else if they’re good.

It’s easy to forget about people in other countries because we can’t see them. We don’t have to face their poverty every day. They don’t seem real to us. But they are very real. And they have hearts just like we do. They have children to take care of —to clothe, to feed, to protect. As one person it may seem like an impossible task. But all you have to do is help one. If everyone just helped one, poverty would be non-existent. And you don’t even have to pick up the water buffalo and ship it to them! Gospel for Asia takes care of that.

Gospel for Asia is a non-profit organization who is providing life giving animals to these “delete” families so they can survive and even thrive.

Won’t you click on over to their site and make a difference? A water buffalo is $460. That may seem a little steep here at Christmas, but will you really miss it? Is there something you can do without this year? Knowing I am giving a family a means of living is the best gift I could ever receive.

 Here’s a little information from their

 website: Click here to jump over there

 and change a family’s life with just a few

 clicks of a button!


From the Stable

Animals still play a crucial role in many people’s lives in South Asia. These animals provide sustenance and         produce    income when their milk or offspring are sold. When you make a gift of livestock, you are offering a very tangible expression of Christ’s love. Here are some animals you can pick out for such families. Why not invite your Bible study group to join you in extending these blessings to people in need? Or if you have children, they may enjoy     selecting these items for parents and children in Asia.


For the family of a Bridge of Hope child, a rooster and hen are not pets. They are the source of up to 40 dozen eggs a year! When the pair produces chicks, a flock develops that will provide nourishment and income for years.


When a Dalit family receives your present of a goat or a pair of goats it will be a special day! Goats are hardy and can live in almost any climate. And a pair of goats produces at least two kids each year. Their manure is also good fertilizer. Your gift of goats will be a good way to bring a little joy to a poor family’s world.


Water Buffalo

A gift of a water buffalo to a poor South Asian family is good news indeed! Transportation, plough animal, cart hauler, milk giver and more-all in one sturdy creature that is often considered a “member of the family.”



You can give a pair of rabbits and help ensure a nutritious diet for growing families as they produce up to 40 bunnies a year! After a pair is given back to the church for distribution, additional offspring can also provide income for the family as well as nourishing meals.



A pig may not sound like a typical gift, but if you were a poor South Asian family, it would be wonderful! A pair of pigs provides a litter of piglets every year, and bacon and pork can soon follow. Income from the sale of the piglets also aids the family, and as with all animals GFA provides, offspring given back to the church will help other families get a “leg up” economically and socially.



Camels feel right at home in Rajasthan, one of the hottest and driest places in India. They can work long hours in the heat with no problem and are used for plowing, transportation and hauling goods. Trucks quickly sink into sand. However, camels can carry up to 330 pounds across a desert with no problem. Camel milk is also part of many diets in Rajasthan, and camel wool can even be woven into cloth.



Lambs are an eternal symbol of God’s love for us in the gift of His Son. What better way to share His love with a poor family than through a lamb that can grow to provide wool for income and milk to drink. A pair of sheep can produce lambs that can be sold at market, and they are also a source of meat.



Cows seem to be everywhere in India but many poor families don’t have one. Cows provide a lot of good milk to drink … and to make yogurt, cheese and butter! They also produce calves that can be sold for income or used to produce even more dairy products for additional income. A dairy cow is one of the most valuable gifts you can give.


It literally takes less than 5 minutes and you could give hope to a family on this earth in desperate need, and plant a seed for Christ in their heart that could save them forever. Click HERE to make the difference. Don’t forget to leave me a comment and share the joy and compassion!

Still Dreaming

From a Mother’s Perspective

As we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, anticipating the celebration of the birth of our Savior, I’ve been trying to imagine the birth of Jesus from different perspectives. We read the Christmas story year after year, but we are always spectators, watching from a distance.

What would it be like to be the one chosen to give birth to Jesus?

Listen to this song by Francesca Battistelli and imagine these words are being spoken by you, the mother of Jesus, Savior of the world.