Archives for 29 March, 2013

Five Minute Friday~Broken



I get so frustrated over broken dishwashers, piled up laundry, and dog hair on the floor. I forget what’s important. I am broken.

Young school children happily carrying on their day have their lives abruptly and horrifically taken by a crazed gunman. Our community is broken.

Pornography is readily available to anyone on the Internet. Many dollars and days are being spent in Washington DC arguing gay marriage. Drug addiction is rising faster than ever before. Our nation is broken.

Orphanages are overflowing in Russia and Romania. Thousands of children in India are enslaved in rock quarries where they work, sleep, and eat one meal a day. Our world is broken.


Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26 ESV)

Thankfully, Jesus is not broken. He died on the cross to make us whole, bearing the burden of all our sin.

He is whole, and through him I can be whole. Our community can be whole. Our nation can be whole. Our world can be whole.

Why won’t we accept Him?

It takes less than the five minutes I took to write this post.


Linking up with Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama today for Five Minute Friday. Check out all of the other posts linked up today!
