Archives for April 2013

A letter to moms whose dreams have been shattered by addiction~Time to reclaim your dream!


This letter is to all of those moms who are hiding, imprisoned by their addiction to prescription drugs; longing for a freedom they don’t believe is possible.

Dear Friend,

Being a woman is hard. I believe we have Eve to thank for that! No one tells us all of the many hats we must wear as a woman. Let’s see if I can name a few:



  • Friend
  • Daughter
  • Sister
  • Wife
  • Mother
  • Housekeeper
  • Cook
  • Chauffer
  • Launderer
  • Mediator
  • Room-mom
  • Home accountant
  • Tutor

That’s only the beginning of the list when a career is added.


As young, ambitious women, American Dreams in sight, we are invincible. Until the unthinkable happens.

  • Breast cancer or other serious disease
  • Death of a spouse or child
  • A pregnant teenager
  • Loss of a job
  • Infidelity of a spouse
  • Severe car accident, leaving injuries

You get the picture. Does anything sound familiar?

When things start going wrong in our life, and we get older, we often end up seeing our beloved physician more often that we ever thought we would. And visiting the pharmacy even more often than that.

Medications for insomnia, anxiety, depression, pain…they are a lifesaver. At first. Before you realize it, dependency becomes an issue, then addiction. That lifeline you thought you’d been thrown has now become your own personal prison.

The American Dream…shattered, right along with your soul.

I know how you feel. I’ve been there. Grand-mal seizures started the avalanche that turned into depression, insomnia, and prescription drug addiction to narcotics. And I’m a pharmacist! Genius. Satan can be sneaky, and he knows just how to use the suffering in our lives to get a stronghold.

But here’s the thing. Jesus says, In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 NIV)

Think hard on those words for a minute. Jesus has already overcome the world. In our weakness, He is strong. He has a purpose and a plan for your life, and will use every experience, sin, tragedy and failure to shape you for that purpose.

To understand what it means to be free, you must first be imprisoned. To truly understand being whole, you must first understand being broken. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have full effect, that  you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4ESV)

You are not alone. You may panic at the thought of not having that lifeline of pills you’ve been dependent on for so long, but now’s the time to reclaim your dream. Not the original American Dream you once had. God has shaped you for a much bigger dream now...a God-sized dream. 

Today is the day to begin claiming your God-sized dream of freedom. Freedom from addiction will give you freedom from everything. Through addiction, you’ve realized you aren’t perfect—though it may be hard to admit ;)— and you don’t have to be perfect anymore. You can be a weak, imperfect human saved by the mercy and grace of Jesus. 

I can promised letting go of the pills will not be easy. It will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. You’ll feel like crap when you wake up in the mornings for awhile. But don’t lie in bed and wallow in your pity. Get up, get dressed, make up your bed, and go do something. And pray.

Go outside for a walk. Breathe in the beauty that God created.  And pray.

Cuddle up with your daughter and read a book. And thank God for your beautiful daughter.

Call a friend for coffee and share your struggles with them. Be real. What you think might push someone away will actually bring them closer. No matter how pretty we are on the outside, we all have some ugly on the inside. Transparency brings friends closer. Thank God for that friend.

Go take a hot shower…hot as you can stand it…letting the water flow over you like the peace of Jesus Christ. Literally imagine it. And pray.

Take one minute, one hour, one day at a time. When you want to take that pill as much as you want to take a breath when you’re stuck under water, just breathe. Go into your closet, lay down, and breathe. Watch your stomach rise and fall as you take deep, cleansing breaths. And pray. 

Go do something for someone else…an act of kindness. When you look outward to help someone else, you might just forget about your own problems long enough to get some relief. Pray and be blessed. 

Life is hard. Stereotypes cannot be avoided, but the stereotype of addiction must evolve. It’s not just for junkies anymore. Addiction happens to good, Christian moms just trying to get through life the best way they can. Prescriptions drugs aren’t illegal, and sometimes that’s the problem. Because they are “prescribed” they’re okay.

Be brave. Be honest. Be transparent. Seek God with everything you have to fill the void of leaving the pills behind.

God is ready to give you your God-sized dream of freedom from the pills that are keeping you imprisoned.

I’ve been where you are. And I know personally it’s a dream that God will deliver.

Because I’m free.

You can be too.










Linking up with Holly over at God-sized dreams today. Check out all the other encouraging letters linked up. One might be written just for you! Just click on her button to hop on over there!


Five-Minute Friday: “Friends”


My brain explodes as I try to write for only five minutes about friends.

Friends shape who you are.

My very first friend I met standing in the middle of the street at 2 years old as she instructed me, “never say the word ‘damn’.” We are still best friends today. I love you Jacqueline! Wink

My best college friend waits for me in Heaven. Oh how I wish I could turn back time, though I’m sure I couldn’t have changed the outcome. We were the best of friends, but circumstances were too much for her to bear. I long for the days we talked on the phone so long I couldn’t straighten my arm.  I miss you Patty. Cry

My best Jesus-loving friend taught me so much about my friend, Jesus. Can’t wait to come see you in Prague in July Betsy! Smile

I married my lifetime best friend. He still works on shaping me every day. It’s hard for me to admit I need it, and that he’s usually right. Ugh! I’ll pay for writing that sentence. Just watch for a comment… Wink I love you anyway honey!

I had a friend who turned her back on me many years ago. I still don’t know why.

Friends go through good and bad together. It’s the good ones who stick out the bad.

High school friends. College friends. Church friends. Work friends. I love them all dearly as they have all made me who I am today.

As I watch my children grow, I pray that they will choose their friends wisely. And they will be best of friends to each other.

Most of all, I pray that they will always keep Jesus as their closest and most treasured friend. For He is a friend who loves like no other.

Five minutes up….Stop.

Linking up with The Gypsy Mama today for Five-Minute Friday on “friends.’ Click on her button to Hop over to Lisa-Jo’s blog and and check out the other links!



God-Sized Dreams: Taking a little time out to play…and live a little-girl sized dream

I’m linking up with Holly Gerth at God-Sized Dreams, and when I saw today’s subject (taking a little time out to play) I knew I had to tell you about my trip!

In the midst of a writer’s conference, a speaker’s conference, and a blogger’s conference I’m attending this year (yes, all three in one year…I think I’ve lost it), I’m headed to Europe for the first time in my life. My very first time out of the country. One of my closest friends, Betsy, is a missionary in Prague, Czech Republic. I’ve wanted to go visit since she left in September 2010 (the same month as my miracle, btw), and I’m finally going. Had to actually get a passport for the first time and everything!

Disney - Magic Kingdom (Explored)

In addition to sightseeing in Prague, Austria and Switzerland,  we will be visiting parts of Germany, including the Neuschwanstein Castle—the castle that inspired Cinderella’s castle in Disney World.  

I’ll never forget my first trip to Disney World and seeing that castle for the first time at nine years old. It really was magical! I desperately wanted to see inside, but it wasn’t allowed at the time. It could only be a dream, not a reality. 

But now, 34 years later, that dream is becoming a realityand so much bigger of a reality than I every could have dreamed on my own. Sure, I could imagine I would get to see inside the Cinderella castle in Disney World someday…now all you have to do is schedule a character breakfast with Cinderella. But to actually see the real Cinderella castle? That’s a God-Sized dream.

The only reason I’m getting to go to Germany is because if Betsy and Bob’s obedience to enter the mission field…and the only reason I’m getting to visit the original Cinderella’s castle. They have God-Sized obedience. 

Now, in the midst of working on my God-Sized Dream of writing a book and becoming a speaker, God is fulfilling a childhood dream in a God-Sized way!

Here’s the real Cinderella castle—the Neuschwanstein Castle—in Fussen, Germany. Don’t worry, I’ll post pictures when I go so you can enjoy it too! Wink

Neuschwanstein, Bavaria






Five-Minute Friday~”Jump”


Linking up with Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday. One word topic, write for five minutes, stop.

Today’s word is “Jump.”


jump1 copyWhen I was 8 years old, I was determined to break the world record for jumping rope. I was pretty good at it, and just knew I could do it. Three hours later and days from the record, I was pooped! But I tried. I jumped.


In the days after the Boston Marathon bomb and the school shooting in Newtown, CT, fear seems to creep in to my mind easily. The older I get, the more tragedy I see in this world. Part of me wants to homeschool the kids, put away non-perishable food in storage, and get bullet-proof windows put on the house. But that would be living in fear.

 As a child, I never though of these things. My kids, after living these tragedies, don’t want to hide from the world.




DAYDREAMIMG_1619 copyjump2

Terrible things happen. We can’t explain them. But I know that God has a plan. God is in control. God has already overcome all of the turmoil in this world.

In this world you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

We don’t have to live in fear. Through Jesus, we have the power to live on faith. (Click here to tweet Wink)

IMG_9892 (1) copy

So don’t hesitate… JUMP!


Stop. Time’s up!










Click on the button below and check out some of the other great posts linked up with Lisa-Jo!


God-Sized Dreams~When God says, “Come here for just a minute…”

I’m linking up with Holly Gerth at God-Sized Dreams today and this prompt really whalloped me over the head, so I decided to make it today’s prescription.



Could someone maybe have shared that little tidbit of information with me 10 years ago when I had my first grand-mal seizure? 

I probably wouldn’t have listened anyway. I was too wrapped up in my own little pity party to hear what anyone else was trying to tell me…including God.

When I had the very first seizure and had to stop driving, I remember having the thought, “Okay God. I have no idea what’s going on but maybe you want David and I to spend more time together. Only one driver in the family will certainly  increase some together time.” So I went with it. Briefly.

It wasn’t long before I got impatient (which is nothing like me Wink,) and started searching not for the why this happened, but how to fix me. So instead of being alone with God, I brought in doctors, nutritionists, books, medicine, friends, chiropractors, needles (the acupuncture kind)…anything or anyone I thought would “fix” me. I’m sure the pharmacist in me (you know, the science nerd) wanted to know the answer—the cure. For seven years I searched for that cure. Then, in the midst of all that great fixing I was doing, I ended up hooked on narcotics. What a genius.

So all of this could have been avoided if I’d just let God “pull me aside for a bit?” UUGGGHHHH!  I hope not. We do need to be still and listen. We do need to soak up the wisdom He as for us in his word. We do need to talk to Him…constantly. But sometimes, He needs to teach us more. And I think God was preparing me for one of his God-Sized Dreams, it just took me a few years to hear what he was trying to tell me.

As a pharmacist, I was essentially a drug dealer. Just legal. 

Pain pills. Sleeping pills. Mood-stabelizing pills. Anti-anxiety pills. Antipsychotics. Amphetamines. So many addictive medications people are so desperate for. Sure I could tell them how to take them, the side effects, cautions, interactions…but no matter how much information I could give them, I had absolutely no understanding of the desperate, lonely place they were in. Their personal prison of drugs. Sure, they are prescription drugs, so our society accepts them as the norm. No one realizes the havoc they wreak internally and externally.

Yes, I’d say God pulled me aside for a bit. Seven years of a bit. But WOW, I never would have guessed the plan and purpose He had for me. Once I finally listened and heard, He healed me of it all…overnight. The good-old-fashioned-miracle kinda healing. My hubby, my kids, my parents, my in-laws, my friends…they all saw it. And God made it evident. No question about it. I was healed.

The paradigm shift God gave me during those seven years gave me a whole new perspective on people. God calls us to…

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” 

(Matthew 22: 37-40)

Love God. Love People. That’s it. 

He doesn’t exclude drug addicts, sex offenders, homosexuals…no one. Do we have to love what they do? No. God just calls us to love them. Not their stereotype. Not their addiction. Not their appearance.

And I have to add how incredibly freeing it is to realize we are not the judge, God is. 

So if something happens that interrupts your life, on matter how big or how small, seek God. See if He’s trying to pull you aside for a bit. Maybe if you listen a little better than I did it won’t take seven years! Wink But however long it takes, trust me. It’s worth it.


Spring Break Highlights in Pictures~Pensacola, Fl











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Eight Facts that will “Wow” You…The Today Show on “Pill Nation”


On April 10, the Today Show aired a piece on prescription drugs used in the United States. Normally, the Today Show is so liberal, I don’t always agree, but they really did a great section on the “Pill Nation” we live in today.

Here are some of their findings:

Pills (white rabbit)

They  pose the question: Is America overprescribed? Are we taking too many prescriptions for our own good?

  1. Over 4 billion prescriptions were written in 2011~of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. {Click hereto tweet}
  2. Nationwide Americans are taking more prescription medications than ever before.
  3. 15.6 million Americans take pain-killers like hydrocodone, oxycodone, and tramadol are the most prescribed.{Click here to tweet}
  4. More than 5 million Americans take a sleeping aid.
  5. More than 18 million take antidepressants.{Click here to tweet}
  6. The government estimates more than 2.1 million Americans are addicted to prescription meds.{Click here to tweet}
  7. Emergency rooms treat more than 1.4 million overdoses of prescription drugs each year.{Click here to tweet}
  8. According to the CDC (Center for disease control) more than 22,000 people die each year from prescription overdoses.{Click here to tweet} (Prescription overdoses can happen way too easily, especially among the elderly, when directions are not followed properly.)

{Okay people, help me out…there’s some serious tweeting to be done here Smile Please? This is important stuff}

The most commonly misused drugs are:

  • Anti-anxiety
  • Sleeping pills
  • Pain relievers
  • Antidepressants

Dr. Jerry Avron from Brigham and Women’s Hospital comments that we seem to be a nation that turns to prescription drugs much faster than man other industrialized, wealthy countries.

He also points out (which I have said before myself) that things changed in the 1990’s, when it became legal for prescription drug manufacturers to advertise. Demand for drugs skyrocketed at this point, but of course the drug manufacturers claim they only want to make the public aware of what is available.

Here’s the clip from the Today show that if you’d like to watch (and share)…I’m quite sure there are people that might listen to the Today Show instead of little ole’ me! Wink

But I’ve said so many of these things before. Here are a few of my old posts that highlight some of these facts, and maybe open your eyes to a new perspective…


Five-Minute Friday~”Here”


{Now honestly, here is where I want to beWink}

Just one from all the gems


But “Here” is somewhere for everybody. “Here”  may be:

  • On the Peter Pan ride at Disney World
  • In the hospital surrounded by concerned family
  • On a soccer field being cheered on by fans
  • Sitting at your desk at work thinking, “how is it only 8:57 Am?”
  • Writing a Five-Minute Friday post in my pj’s with my dog snoring beside me.




I used to wish away my “here.” If only I could…

  • Get married
  • Have a baby
  • Make enough money to be a stay-at-home mom
  • Organize my house so it’s easier to keep clean
  • Lose that extra 15 pounds
  • Finish that scrapbook
  • Finish writing this book I may never finish

Somewhere along the way, I realized I was wishing my life away. My life is “HERE.” Not tomorrow, not 5 minutes from now, not yesterday. No more “If only I could do this, then I could relax and enjoy my here and now.”

Here I am happy.

Here I am content.

Here I am blessed.

Here sometimes I’m sad.

Here sometimes I’m frustrated.

Here sometimes I’m mad.

But here is where I am, and I’m choosing to enjoy the moment.

There will come a day when “Here” is no more. I hope I get to see the rapture in one of my “here” moments. But whether or not I do, when I’m no longer “Here,” I’ll be with Jesus!




Linking up with Lisa-Jo today for Five-Minute Friday. Click on the button and jump over to read more five-minute posts!




Dream God-Sized Dreams…”Dear Chihuahua of Fear…”




I’m linking up today with Holly Gerth, author of “Dream God-Sized Dreams. Here’s the writing prompt to write this post:

“Fear hangs out right next to whatever it is you’re most called to do. That means the closer you get to your calling, the louder fear sounds. Keep going–fear is a chihuahua that sounds like a Doberman.” — You’re Made for a God-sized Dream, Chapter Five

It’s in letter format, and she wants us to begin with an odd phrase… (I’m really not fond of chihuahuas since they are the only breed of dog that’s ever bitten me, and I live with two great danes. But that’s too deep for me to even think about, so here goes)



Dear Chihuahua of Fear,

I have some things I’d like to say to you. You are a pain in the rear. You are constantly “nipping” at me getting on my nerves, when I know that I’m doing exactly what I should be.

Sure, I became a pharmacist so I wouldn’t have to deal with little chihuahua’s nipping at my feet. I’d be protected behind that great big counter in the pharmacy. I’d have people to back me up. When all else failed, I’d have the big doberman boss to take care of me. But no. God had other plans. Apparently, little chihuahua, He wants me to face you…even if it required stooping down a little—a lot.

So  with the onset of grand-mal seizures, depression, and resulting prescription drug addiction, I found myself down on your level you little pest! For seven years, I felt about as low as you are. Maybe lower. No independence. No driving. Constant migraine headaches. Pills, pills, and more pills. Some necessary for my migraines and seizures, and some because I’d become addicted to the stupid stuff and would start never-ending vomiting if I stopped taking them. Uggghhh.

So finally, after I gave you a swift kick to the curb and prayed for God to show me his purpose in all of this (as opposed my prayer for healing or the rapture), He gave me an honest-to-goodness, overnight miracle. Yes-sir-ee. No more seizures, no more headaches, no more depression, no more pills, and best of all—no more desire or need for pills. So little chihuahua of fear, you were outa there.


God had to go and ask me to write and speak to share my story! So now I’m not only in front of the pharmacy counter, I’m in front of the world. The Internet world, the speaking world, the conference world, not to mention the world that would love to see me fall flat on my face back into addiction. Yes, believe it or not, they are out there.

I hate promoting myself, but what I must remember that I too often forget is I’m not promoting myself. I’m promoting God. I’m giving Him the glory. I’m writing for Him. I’m speaking (though very reluctantly) for Him.

So chihuahua, I’m much more afraid of you than I am dobermans, but it’s time I leave that fear completely behind and let God take over.

I recently heard Alex Kendrick speak. He is the actor/director in the movies Fireproof, Courageous, and Flywheel. He prayed for God to let his little church films be shown in like 40 churches. But look what God did. His films have been in theaters all over the country, on DVD, and have reached millions—even billions 0f people.

So I’m not putting any limits on my dream. It’s God-sized…God-initiated, God-constructed, and God-controlled. (You may tweet if you like…just click here)Wink

Get out of my way little chihuahua, God has me!












Here’s a short interview with Alex Kendrick and how his dream became God-sized. It’s worth the watch. Enjoy!






Happy Birthday to My Miranda~ {My Very First Letter to You}


Today is my Miranda’s 19th birthday! How time has flown and what a sweet and oh-so-sassy young lady you have become! I couldn’t be a prouder mom (except maybe if you kept your room a little cleaner) Undecided

Free Facebook Timeline Cover…A Little Beachy Yumminess!


Couldn’t resist creating a beachy Facebook timeline cover for you as we are enjoying spring break this week.

When I look out at the ocean, I’m in awe of God’s creation. And it’s true…as deep and blue as that ocean, God loves us more. Post this on your FB page and enjoy the reminder! (Click HERE to tweet) Wink Thank you!


To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:

1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)

2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)

3. Then click save.

4. Go to your facebook page.

5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.

6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”

7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.

8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”

That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.

Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink










If you like what I’ve created for you would you do me a favor?

Just share this post using the “Share the Love” buttons at the bottom of the page, or subscribe to my blog in your email.

I loved working in the pharmacy because people came to me. Selling myself? Not a fan.

I don’t have a drop of salesman’s blood in my bodyEmbarassed,so I would love some help from you!Kiss

Five-Minute Friday~”AFTER”



Linking up with The Gypsy Mama (Lisa-Jo) today for Five-Minute Friday.

Today’s prompt is “After”




Defining moments. They tend to occur AFTER something happens…whether it’s an event, an accomplishment, a tragedy…and it made me think of the defining moments in my life.

  • AFTER I graduated from high school
  • AFTER I graduated from pharmacy school
  • AFTER I married my high-school sweetheart
  • AFTER my life was uprooted to move to Atlanta
  • AFTER the birth of my first baby girl
  • AFTER my marriage almost fell apart due to unmet expectations
  • AFTER we decided to keep the commitments we made before each other and God and chose to fall in love again
  • AFTER the birth of my baby boy
  • AFTER the death of my daddy to lung cancer~he’d never smoked a cigarette in his life
  • AFTER the remarriage of my mom to an incredible man I’m proud to call my stepdad
  • AFTER the birth of my third child…second little girl
  • AFTER a grand-mal seizure struck me down at a birthday party
  • AFTER more seizures resulting in broken bones and sinus surgery
  • AFTER realized I’d gotten addicted to the narcotics I’d taken to get through the pain
  • AFTER I went to the most horrible place in my life I’d ever been
  • AFTER seven years of searching for a cure while struggling to hide my addiction
  • AFTER I stopped praying for healing and the rapture and began praying for God’s purpose
  • AFTER God healed me on September 25, 2010 in an overnight miracle
  • AFTER God restored my soul and my family

Many defining moments, all occurring AFTER the event. I think this is why God doesn’t let us see the future. How many of these awesome defining moments would we miss?



Join Me Today at “Inspire-a-Fire” to read A Letter to my Enemy

Join me today over at Inspire a Fire to read “A Letter to My Enemy” if you haven’t read it before.


Satan has so many tools at his disposal, and he is so sneaky in the way he uses them.

Don’t fall into the trap of prescription drug addiction like I did. Sure, I had grand-mal-siezures, broken bones, surgery…plenty of good reasons to need narcotics (Lortab) for pain. But even as a pharmacist, I didn’t realize the physical effect they have on the brain. The brain is physically changed…changed in such a way that is difficult to recover from. Since your brain controls every single part of your body and mind, your state of mind is altered. Addiction can literally transform you into a person you will not like very much. 

Only the grace of God can truly heal you completely. Physically and emotionally. (Click here to tweet!)

Click on the Inspire A fire photo above to read the article. Feel free to leave a comment! (Please?) Kiss



The Honesty of a Child…{My Marlee-girl}



When Marlee was in kindergarten at Mauldin First Baptist, her teacher had to test each of the children at the end of the year on their alphabet. Mrs. Alli called out the letters in no particular order for Marlee to name each letter…



When Alli and I had a conference at the end of school, she informed me that Marlee had received 100% on her alphabet, but she’d had to alter the rules for one particular letter.

When Mrs. Alli asked Marlee what the “t” was, Marlee enthusiastically answered, “That’s Jesus’s cross!”

Alli said there was no question in her mind…Marlee got it exactly right. Wink

That made me one happy and proud mama!



Nothing like the honesty from the mouth of a child…











P.S. Linking up with Honest Mom today…go check out her site all the great blogs linked up today Smile







Well,I thought I was linking up…she didn’t post today. So it’s just me today!