Archives for 12 April, 2013

Five-Minute Friday~”Here”


{Now honestly, here is where I want to beWink}

Just one from all the gems


But “Here” is somewhere for everybody. “Here”  may be:

  • On the Peter Pan ride at Disney World
  • In the hospital surrounded by concerned family
  • On a soccer field being cheered on by fans
  • Sitting at your desk at work thinking, “how is it only 8:57 Am?”
  • Writing a Five-Minute Friday post in my pj’s with my dog snoring beside me.




I used to wish away my “here.” If only I could…

  • Get married
  • Have a baby
  • Make enough money to be a stay-at-home mom
  • Organize my house so it’s easier to keep clean
  • Lose that extra 15 pounds
  • Finish that scrapbook
  • Finish writing this book I may never finish

Somewhere along the way, I realized I was wishing my life away. My life is “HERE.” Not tomorrow, not 5 minutes from now, not yesterday. No more “If only I could do this, then I could relax and enjoy my here and now.”

Here I am happy.

Here I am content.

Here I am blessed.

Here sometimes I’m sad.

Here sometimes I’m frustrated.

Here sometimes I’m mad.

But here is where I am, and I’m choosing to enjoy the moment.

There will come a day when “Here” is no more. I hope I get to see the rapture in one of my “here” moments. But whether or not I do, when I’m no longer “Here,” I’ll be with Jesus!




Linking up with Lisa-Jo today for Five-Minute Friday. Click on the button and jump over to read more five-minute posts!