When I think of the word “Brave,” I think, “What does it take to be brave?”
Fear. Without fear, there would be no need for bravery. So it takes fear to be brave.
Courage. Without courage, it would be impossible to be brave. So it takes courage to be brave.
Then there’s that verse: If God is for us, who can be against us? That verse that we hear so often, but it’s so hard to really believe…absorb…down deep to the core. But it really takes God to be brave.
Of course there are people against us. Sometimes, it seems like the whole world is against us. But when all is said and done, who is the One that really matters? Who is the One that we will spend eternity with in Heaven? Who is the One that created us for His pleasure?
So many things in this world require us to be brave.
- Sending your child to college away for the first time
- Watching your daddy die of cancer and your mom carry on without him
- Announcing to the world that you have an addiction
- Explaining to your child the process of having to put her beloved pet to sleep
- Flying across the ocean in an airplane
And those are big things. Life…every single day…requires us to be brave.
But because we have the hope and power of an almighty God on our side, we really have nothing to fear.
Fear + Courage + God = Brave. Click HERE to tweet that
Because if Him, we’ve got this!
Five minutes up: Stop.
(That one took more thought than usual…didn’t get too many words out in those 5 minutes!)
What does it take for you to be brave?
Linking up with Lisa Jo over at the Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday. Click on her button to check out some others thoughts on “Brave.”