Archives for September 2013

Facebook Friday~Free Timeline Cover…”One Hundred Years From Now…”



When I was in Prague, we went to a little town outside of Prague called Lidice. It was a small village of around 500 people or so when Hitler decided to make an example of it to show his power and kill everyone in the village, including 80 children. This statue was truly amazing…words really cannot describe the feeling standing at this statue looking at the detail and expression in the faces of these children who were robbed their chance of growing old. A very sad and humbling experience. Because of the magnitude of the holocaust, the story of Lidice is mostly unknown. If you’d like to read more about the history of this village and exactly what happened click HERE.

I loved the memorial statue not only because it represented the children of Lidice, but also because it made me think about the lives of these children…and my own children. These children should have been part of the future of their nation, as our children hopefully will be part of ours. No time invested into the lives of our children is wasted. Hopefully you will enjoy this free facebook timeline cover as a reminder of just how important our children are.

To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:

1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)

2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)

3. Then click save.

4. Go to your facebook page.

5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.

6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”

7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.

 8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”

That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.

Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink











Facebook Friday~ Free Timeline Cover

While in Prague, walking (and sometimes stumbling) down the cobblestone streets, I happened upon this rubber band just laying in the shape of a heart. And you know me…I had to take a picture of it! Kiss …And make it into a cute timeline photo for facebook! Enjoy!



To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:




1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)




2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)




3. Then click save.




4. Go to your facebook page.




5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.




6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”




7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.




8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”




That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.




Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink










Facebook Friday~Free Timeline Cover




To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:


1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)


2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)


3. Then click save.


4. Go to your facebook page.


5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.


6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”


7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.


8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”


That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.


Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink





“Where is God when bad things happen to good people?”


We seem to be in a season of suffering. And we are especially sensitive today since it’s the anniversary of 9/11. It seems that bad things are happening to people all around us. Finances, divorce, drugs, death…and the list goes on and on. Just this week a friend of my daughter’s drowned at Lake Keowee trying to help another girl.

So the age-old question, once again, is asked, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Is God punishing us? Does he not care? Is he too busy for me?

The answer to all of those questions is unequivocally NO. God loves us beyond what we could ever imagine. We are his children.

…For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (Hebrews 13: 5-6 NLT)

My friends Betsy and Bob (who I visited this summer) are missionaries in Prague, Czech Republic. So many people think, “Wow…what a great place to be a missionary. How hard can it be in comparison to Ethiopia or India or another third world country.” Believe me. It’s hard. I saw it first hand. Europe is not a third world country and most people in Europe don’t think they need God. Why would they when their lives are hunky-dory? So actually convincing people that having a relationship with God is a good thing—that it’s necessary—is very difficult. To even broach the subject requires months of developing a personal relationship with them. That’s love, people. And it takes a lot of it.

Here’s the thing. Our suffering increases our awareness of God’s presence.

Sometimes we need to emptied of our own resources and pride so we can rely on Him.

Does he cause our suffering? I don’t think so. But he does walk through it with us, whether we realize it or not. He will dwell with us through the pain.

And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? (Matthew 6:30 NLT)

Often when we are in the midst of a trial we may feel underserving of God’s love. It’s certainly not uncommon for our own sin to be the cause of our suffering. In my case, even though I ended up dependent and then addicted to a narcotic from a medical condition, the desperation shame was there, none the less. Even though I knew better, on a subconscious level, I pulled away from God because I felt underserving of His love…and His grace and mercy.

Nothing we can do can make us unworthy of God’s love. We may feel like He’s not there when we are suffering, when in fact, we are the ones pulling away from Him!

But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. (Isaiah 59:1 ESV)

But why? Why have our sins separated us from God when He sent His son to die on the cross for our sins? When Jesus’s blood covers our sin? It’s us. What if we separate ourselves because we don’t feel worthy?

Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; (Isaiah 59:1 ESV)

God loves you. No matter what. 

Don’t let the trickery of the enemy deceive you into believing you are not worthy. All of God’s children are worthy in His eyes. He didn’t send Jesus…His only son…for someone he didn’t love. He sent His son for you.

Let Him walk beside you during the hard times. Let his peace flow over you. I’m a believer in imagery. When I’m in the shower, I will often pray and imagine the water as the peace of God flowing down over my head. Crazy? Maybe. But it works.

And a final thought that brings it home for me is this: There is only ONE person in all of history that was perfect. That was Jesus himself. He walked and lived on this earth as a human for 33 years, not sinning even once. And what happened to this perfect human being? He suffered the most horrific death I could imagine…being nailed to a cross and left to die a slow, painful death in front of a crowd of people some cheering because He was being put to death, and some His faithful followers, crying tears of sadness. But what happened when this horrid thing happened to this perfect human? The world was saved. By God sending his son Jesus to willfully let the Romans and Jews hang him on the cross to die, He gave us the opportunity to have eternal life with Him in Heaven. He gave us…horrible sinners…a way out of this sinful world. What better example of what CAN happen when bad things happen to good people.

The Shower

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT)

Never forget….

He loves you. He is with you. You are worthy. 


Free Facebook Timeline Cover~On Being Whole…

Here’s another free facebook timeline cover just for fun! I had someone like this particular photo, but it wasn’t the right dimensions for a timeline cover, so I created one. Feel free to make it your own if you like it. Smile Instructions are below!



To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:

1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)

2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)

3. Then click save.

4. Go to your facebook page.

5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.

6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”

7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.

8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”

That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.

Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink


Habit vs. Addiction and the God-Sized Hole in Your Heart



We are creatures of habit. And we LOVE our creature comforts. You know, those things that make us feel warm and fuzzy, cozy…give us a sense of well-being. Things that make us feel like everything is going to be okay.

And for the most part, they’re not a problem.

BUT…you knew it was coming…BUT Satan knows our weaknesses and insecurities. He knows how to use our creature comforts against us. And when those comforts become habits, we are in danger of them becoming addictions. And the enemy is sneaky. It’ll happen before we know it.

I’m battling one of my own right now. I’ve always loved a good television show—curling up on the sofa in my down comforter getting totally lost in another world. There was a time that I did this to escape my own depression. Thankfully, that’s not the case now. I just love a good show! But oh my gosh…NETFLIX IS THE DEVIL! You can get into a good show and you don’t have to wait a week to see what happens! You can watch one episode after another, after another…you get the picture. The only things that saves me from becoming a complete couch potato is my computer. I can carry it around the house with me and watch while I do laundry, dishes, clean out the closet, etc…and it actually makes those tasks much more bearable.

At least Netflix is better than Lortab, right?

But no matter what our “vice” is, Satan knows how to use it.

We all have a God sized hole in our heart. Satan loves for us to try to fill that hole with anything except God. But just like a puzzle piece, that hole is made for God and only God. No matter what else we try to cram in there, it won’t perfectly fit.

Don’t let Satan take those seemingly innocent creature comforts and turn them into addictions. (You can tweet this one Smile)  Check out this great graphic created by designer Adrienne Erin that explains how habits become addictions. She’s crammed LOTS of great info here to arm ourselves with…and some of it may shock you. Don’t be surprised if you see yourself somewhere in there–I know I did!  Arming ourselves with knowledge helps us to fight Satan’s craftiness. (You can tweet this one too! Wink) Click on the graphic itself to go to 12 Palms Rehab for a further explanation.


Don’t give the enemy any satisfaction!

Replace rock music with Christian music.

Replace shopping with volunteer work.

Replace junkfood with healthy options.

Replace internet surfing with reading your Bible.

Replace Netflix…well, I’ll have to keep working on that one! Embarrassed