A Million Ways


My life has been so busy these last few weeks I’ve had a hard time just posting twice a week, and on Fridays it’s just a five minute post! But I can’t let mother’s day go by without a quick post for my mom. Among many other things, she’s one of my biggest fans! Laughing

I could not have made it thus far in life without her. Besides the fact that she did bring me into this world, and probably wanted to take me out of it a few times, she has always been there to help me…every time I’ve needed it. And believe me, I’ve kept her busy!

A million ways she’s shown her love for me…

She has always loved me unconditionally—as mom’s should—but has just as quickly held me accountable when I needed it. And helped me get through it when I couldn’t do it on my own.

She slept beside me when I was sick…even when I was 40 years old!

She babysits the kids anytime I ask if at all possible.

When I can’t get the house uncluttered, she comes to my rescue.


When I need something altered, she’s my seamstress.

When I go out of town, she helps take care of our Sophie, Benji, Little Bit, Buttercupp, and Mally…and when I come home the house is cleaner than when I left, and my laundry is magically washed!

She always wants us to come for Sunday lunch for a hugh homemade meal. And when we go to church on Sundays, the kids almost always have friends with them. She makes room for however many strays we bring!

These few things I’ve mentioned don’t even scratch the surface.

She has made and is making baby quilts from my kids baby clothes and t-shirt quilts from their t-shirts. I really have no idea how I will EVER live up to the “grandma expectations” my kids will have of me!

And all of this stuff she does for me? She does for others too. {Just not as much of course.} Wink

And even though we do make each other a little crazy sometimes…because we are so much alike…I love her so much!

There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one~Jill Churchill

I’m so blessed to have my mom!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I love you!



  1. Elizabeth Meaders says

    I hardly know what to reply; you are so precious to me! I prayed for you before you were born (I was 29) and have prayed of you all these 43+ years, especially your seven sick years (many times every day and during the night, too–still do that praying when I wake at night sometimes, but every day for certain)! You became my purpose for living before birth; I’ve loved every minute of your life, even the hard ones. I thank God for your miracle of 9/25/2010; I’m a witness! You are such a great mother and wife; I’m proud of you for your writing, your creativity, your smile, your joy that spills over on me/us; thank you for your love! It makes life so good and so worthwhile! Thank you for choosing such a fine man to be your husband; David is a gem of a man, husband, and father! He’s surpassed all my dreams and expectations for your husband. Thank you for giving me/us three wonderful grandchildren to love, be proud of, enjoy, treasure, and spend time with whenever we can. Thanks for your love of people, animals, but most of all, your love for our Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. We spoke briefly about The Bible Series this afternoon; I failed to tell you I’m reading TWO FROM GALILEE written in 1976, the fictional story based on TRUTH about Mary and Joseph; I guess I should look at The Bible Series done on TV the same way. But, back to my purpose in replying, thanks for writing this blog about our relationship today; you have been and always will be “my treasure.” Happy Mother’s Day, my daughter! I love you so much….

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