The Perfect Gift for the One Who Has Everything…and the One Who Has Nothing

A water buffalo. A water buffalo? Yep. I just purchased my first water buffalo.

Contrary to what Larry Boy says, everyone does not have a water buffalo. And of course everyone does not need a water buffalo. But for the group of people considered the “delete,” not worthy anything even among their own people, a water buffalo could mean everything. {Care to tweet that?}

Every year when Christmas rolls around, we struggle to figure out what to get people. Before Christmas every year, I work to clean out closets to make room for the new stuff…new stuff we don’t even need. So why not go out of the box this year? Wrap up a copy of the Silly Songs Veggie Tales DVD and give a water buffalo in honor of that person who has everything! My kids will be excited to know that’s what they are getting for Christmas this year!  Okay, maybe they’ll get a little something else if they’re good.

It’s easy to forget about people in other countries because we can’t see them. We don’t have to face their poverty every day. They don’t seem real to us. But they are very real. And they have hearts just like we do. They have children to take care of —to clothe, to feed, to protect. As one person it may seem like an impossible task. But all you have to do is help one. If everyone just helped one, poverty would be non-existent. And you don’t even have to pick up the water buffalo and ship it to them! Gospel for Asia takes care of that.

Gospel for Asia is a non-profit organization who is providing life giving animals to these “delete” families so they can survive and even thrive.

Won’t you click on over to their site and make a difference? A water buffalo is $460. That may seem a little steep here at Christmas, but will you really miss it? Is there something you can do without this year? Knowing I am giving a family a means of living is the best gift I could ever receive.

 Here’s a little information from their

 website: Click here to jump over there

 and change a family’s life with just a few

 clicks of a button!


From the Stable

Animals still play a crucial role in many people’s lives in South Asia. These animals provide sustenance and         produce    income when their milk or offspring are sold. When you make a gift of livestock, you are offering a very tangible expression of Christ’s love. Here are some animals you can pick out for such families. Why not invite your Bible study group to join you in extending these blessings to people in need? Or if you have children, they may enjoy     selecting these items for parents and children in Asia.


For the family of a Bridge of Hope child, a rooster and hen are not pets. They are the source of up to 40 dozen eggs a year! When the pair produces chicks, a flock develops that will provide nourishment and income for years.


When a Dalit family receives your present of a goat or a pair of goats it will be a special day! Goats are hardy and can live in almost any climate. And a pair of goats produces at least two kids each year. Their manure is also good fertilizer. Your gift of goats will be a good way to bring a little joy to a poor family’s world.


Water Buffalo

A gift of a water buffalo to a poor South Asian family is good news indeed! Transportation, plough animal, cart hauler, milk giver and more-all in one sturdy creature that is often considered a “member of the family.”



You can give a pair of rabbits and help ensure a nutritious diet for growing families as they produce up to 40 bunnies a year! After a pair is given back to the church for distribution, additional offspring can also provide income for the family as well as nourishing meals.



A pig may not sound like a typical gift, but if you were a poor South Asian family, it would be wonderful! A pair of pigs provides a litter of piglets every year, and bacon and pork can soon follow. Income from the sale of the piglets also aids the family, and as with all animals GFA provides, offspring given back to the church will help other families get a “leg up” economically and socially.



Camels feel right at home in Rajasthan, one of the hottest and driest places in India. They can work long hours in the heat with no problem and are used for plowing, transportation and hauling goods. Trucks quickly sink into sand. However, camels can carry up to 330 pounds across a desert with no problem. Camel milk is also part of many diets in Rajasthan, and camel wool can even be woven into cloth.



Lambs are an eternal symbol of God’s love for us in the gift of His Son. What better way to share His love with a poor family than through a lamb that can grow to provide wool for income and milk to drink. A pair of sheep can produce lambs that can be sold at market, and they are also a source of meat.



Cows seem to be everywhere in India but many poor families don’t have one. Cows provide a lot of good milk to drink … and to make yogurt, cheese and butter! They also produce calves that can be sold for income or used to produce even more dairy products for additional income. A dairy cow is one of the most valuable gifts you can give.


It literally takes less than 5 minutes and you could give hope to a family on this earth in desperate need, and plant a seed for Christ in their heart that could save them forever. Click HERE to make the difference. Don’t forget to leave me a comment and share the joy and compassion!

Still Dreaming

From a Mother’s Perspective

As we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, anticipating the celebration of the birth of our Savior, I’ve been trying to imagine the birth of Jesus from different perspectives. We read the Christmas story year after year, but we are always spectators, watching from a distance.

What would it be like to be the one chosen to give birth to Jesus?

Listen to this song by Francesca Battistelli and imagine these words are being spoken by you, the mother of Jesus, Savior of the world.

Washington D.C.~In Honor of Our Veterans

I’m sleepy.

It’s a little after 8:00 a.m. and I’m sitting at church before the early service while Trevor is in band practice. If you know me, you know I’d rather be home in my bed planning to come to the 11:0o service.

I’m trying to get used to my new WordPress blog. I could post so quickly on blogger, but this is taking a bit longer to learn, and life is super busy right now. My brain is tired!

So, in an attempt to get used to this new process and give you guys something to look at (provided you haven’t forgotten about me by now 😉 I though I’d post some pictures of our trip to Washington DC. We made it just before Sandy hit the northeast. After five days in Washington DC with 115 eighth graders, we made it home at 1:00 a.m. on the Sunday morning that Sandy hit.

It was a whirlwind trip, leaving at 5:am on Tuesday morning and touring Washington DC from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. every day through Friday, then hitting Kings Dominion on Saturday on our way home.

Although it was a busy trip, I left with a new appreciation for our veterans. Arlington Cemetery and the tomb of the unknown soldier left me speechless. And believe me, that’s hard to do.

Now that I think about it, I’m probably just still sleepy from the trip!

Okay, I’ll let the pictures upload while he preaches…


Now that I’ve heard the sermon for today I have to share a little more about my Washington trip.

We went to Union Station to let the kids shop, eat, and have a little free time. I was enjoying some free myself without kids, checkout out a menu and a much needed salad bar when a very tall man with a full beard, dressed in all black and somewhat intimidating approached me from behind and asked me point blank if I’d buy him dinner. I really don’t know why I was surprised. After all, we were in a train station in a big city, but I suppose I still had my Simpsonville brain on.

My first thought was I must have the word “sucker” written on my forehead. But thankfully, my Jesus eyes quickly shifted my paradigm.

“Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40 Msg)

I don’t know this man’s story, and I only had a brief encounter with him. But I did buy him a good meal and have the brief opportunity to wish him good luck on his journey, but more than luck, God’s blessing. I shared with him Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

 I will never know what happened to this man, but thankfully, I planted a seed. I gave.
{The least of these~Jesus}
Btw, if you’re wondering, the sermon today was about the good samaritan.

Enjoy the pics! Wish we could have had an effect on the election while we were in Washington 🙁 Four more years. Sorry my friends. Keep praying for our country and our president—whether he’s the one you voted for or not.



Biblical help with drug addiction~Guest Post at

Drug addiction…pure joy? Hardly.

Drug addiction often seems impossible to overcome. It cannot be done alone, yet it’s deemed so shameful it’s difficult to share with anyone to get help. So many people attempt to overcome it alone, which Satan just loves. Because the brain is affected so specifically in drug addiction, going it alone just gives Satan a welcome invitation to set up residence in your brain. He will justify all of the wrong decisions you make. Loneliness is one of Satan’s most powerful tools.

God, however, can take WHATEVER addiction you are dealing with and use it for his glory. Instead of pleading and whining to God, specifically ask him what his purpose is for you life. Genuinely seek his plan. He will gladly share that plan with you when you ask in humbleness and complete faith.

If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him; he will not resent it. (James 1:5 TLB)

If you want to read more about getting help with drug addiction, read my article today at addiction blog. Please share with anyone you suspect may be struggling with prescription drug addiction.

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Laughter really is the best medicine

With winter approaching, many people are affected by seasonal affective disorder and fight the wintertime blues. Since my busy life has made it difficult for me to post lately, I thought I’d repost my series of practical tips to get those happy hormones in your brain working to create a happier you this winter. Enjoy!
As a pharmacist, a patient, and a child of God who’s had to be “parented” quite a lot over the last eight years, I have learned many practical solutions to insomnia, depression, anxiety, and addiction. I’ve also learned that these four issues often go hand in hand, and are directly related to the chemicals in our brain. The pharmacist in me sought a medical solution–pills. And as most of you know, pills just made things worse.
Throughout this year, I’m going to share small, easy changes you can make in your life that will make for a happier you. All of these tidbits of information are based in both scientific fact and scripture. Medicine and faith really can walk hand in hand when God is your first and foremost physician. I’ll try to keep it simple as far as the “sciency” stuff goes, but a little knowledge about the brain really helps understand why these solutions work.
Most of you have probably heard about the hormone we have called serotonin, right? It’s that almighty chemical the media flooded us with information about when Prozac was first introduced. There is another hormone in your brain called cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone that really kicks in we we are under high stress, afraid, in a hurry, etc. It’s the one that helps us with our “fight or flight” mechanism. Remember that term from high school biology? Well, these two hormones do not coexist well. When Cortisol is high, like when you are worried or stressed, Serotonin is low. And vice versa. 
I’m here to tell you that you don’t need Prozac or one of it’s relatives to help. There are numerous small changes you can make in your lifestyle that have been clinically proven to increase the serotonin levels in your brain. 
Today I want to tell you about laughter aerobics. “What?” Yes, laughter aerobics. This has got to be one of the silliest things I’d ever heard of, but it really exists. Laughter aerobics is a class where people basically sit in a circle and one person is appointed to begin laughing. Fake, real, goofy…it doesn’t matter. They just have to laugh. In turn, everyone else starts laughing too. The great thing is, you don’t have to go to an aerobics class! In the evening, after your work day is complete, do some laughter aerobics with your family. Your kids will think you’re nuts, but that’s all part of the fun! I promise you will end your day with a happy note, your cortisol levels will decrease, your serotonin levels will increase, and as a bonus, you will sleep better.
To top it off, science is not the only confirmation that laughter will make you happier. Read the prescription verse for today. From this verse comes the quote we’ve all heard, “laughter is the best medicine.” 
So tonight, begin your new year by making this small change. Spend just five minutes with your family playing laugh aerobics. I promise you won’t regret it and what do you have to lose?

The Trap of Addiction~Visit me today at

Drugs do not discriminate when choosing their prey. Living in a society so dependent on pharmaceuticals, it’s easy to fall into Satan’s trap of addiction. Our human nature desires immediate gratification, which is one of the most powerful tools Satan uses.

I’m super excited today to have an article over at Addiction Blog today. Addiction Blog is a resource for all types of addiction, but is almost exclusively educational. I’ve been given the opportunity to share my knowledge as a pharmacist, and at the same time, share my experience of addiction as a Christian. As I stated in a recent blog post, I won’t be posting as often on here in order to writing on other sites and working on the book, but I’ll always let you know where I am!

From my heart,


Serving a Supernatural God in an Ordinary World—Is He Your Superhero?


For seven years I sought the help of medical doctors, psychologists, chiropractors, and other natural healers to cure me of grand-mal seizures, migraine headaches, depression, and opiate addiction. I hate the think about the thousands upon thousands of dollars I spent doing so.

All that time, I had a direct line to a Superhero. I kept relying on worldly resources when I really needed the Great Physician. The creator of the universe. The ultimate healer. The one who holds the answers to every question. The one who holds the master plan.

As is human nature, I looked for answers myself. I failed. As a Christian, I had direct access to the supernatural. Being born again give you access to the spiritual world. I mean think about it. “Born Again.” You certainly can’t be stuffed back into your mother’s uterus!

 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:3 NLT)

Born again = Born from above.

I just had to get past myself to realize it. Which apparently took seven years, because apparently I’m fairly stubborn. Once I finally stopped looking inward, and began looking upward, asking God his plan, he healed me overnight. Exactly two years ago today.

On September 25, 2010, I woke up completely free.

Seizures? Gone.

Headaches? Gone.

Depression? Gone.

Addiction? Gone.

He reached his arm down into this ordinary world, and lifted me up to a supernatural place. Other than a few minor headaches, I can honestly say I’ve been completely free from seizures and all medication.

Happy Birthday to me!

Do you have a problem that is beyond your control? Release it to God. Seek out his plan. He can handle it. He’s THE SUPERHERO.


From my heart,


Patience…I’m learning WordPress

Patience. Not my strongest virtue.

I’ve decided to switch from blogger to wordpress, and the learning curve is huge! So I’ll be exercising my patience and yours as I rebuild this website…and during such a busy time of my life!

I will not give up.

I will not give up.

I will not give up.

There. First wordpress post complete. Time to hit “publish” and see how it looks! I’m sure I have a long way to go to get this site up to speed…

Blessings y’all!

From my heart,


Learning Through Change…and Patience

There are some new adventures in the Vaughan household these days. Our vacation of Beachy Goodness was just what we needed before the wave of change took place. 

So here’s a mixed-up post to go with my mixed-up life. Forgive my rambling. It’s the state of my brain right now.  

Miranda just graduated from high school

Even though she will be doing the thirteenth year program her first year and going to Greenville Tech, she and her best friend are moving into the apartment above our garage. I’m already regretting the decision to let her do this. I do love Joelle (her BFF) and I hope it will be a good experience for them, but it’s requiring much reorganizing on my part, and I have a feeling I’m inheriting another child’s laundry for next year. 
The day after we returned from Vacation, we purchased a Brightstar franchise. This is an exciting adventure, and we hope to help meet a serious need in our community. But there is so much to learn. David just returned from a week of training in Chicago just full of information. 

During this summer, I’ve taken a few courses on blogging to improve my little niche in space so you’ll enjoy visiting. For all of you who blog, you know the drill. Blogger or WordPress? Which is better? I do love Blogger, but after what I’ve learned, I think WordPress is going to be a better fit for me. So you may see a new look here very soon. We’ll see how it goes. Oh, and I’m excited (I think) to have my blog critiqued by Laura Barnes on her website “Laura B Writer”. Bring on the criticism. I can take it {note to me—reread the prescription verse above}. 
As if that’s not enough to do, I have the privilege of writing a series of twelve articles for Addiction Blog
I’m really excited about this because this is a predominantly educational blog, and they are allowing me to write from a spiritual perspective. I know without a doubt that I would still be in the exact same miserable pit I was in if God had not wrapped me in a blanket of mercy and lifted me to safety. Because of this added writing, I’ll be posting less often on my blog, but don’t worry; I’ll post a link so you can find me wherever I go! 

Last, but not least, I’m still working on THE BOOK. Can you feel the frustration in my fingertips?                       

{This is a great image of what it’s like when I sit to write—something or someone else getting in the way.}
And every time I think my writing is good enough, I learn something new, and feel the need to continue to make it better. Will that feeling ever go away? Probably not. Eventually I’ll have to kick it out of the nest and see if it flies. 

I celebrated (I use that term loosely) my 43rd birthday this week. BTW, I love Facebook birthdays. Who know I would get so excited about so many little notifications! It only takes a second to wish someone a happy birthday on FB, and who knows what joy you may bring someone? All of my birthday wishes made me smile. Okay—getting back on track…

It’s been almost two years since God pulled me out of my pit, healed me, and plopped me here with a purpose. It is my heart’s desire to help others with addiction and depression. I’ve been there and it’s hell—as literally as I can imagine. I’ve been careful not to be too hasty in putting myself out there, as I want to be equipped with the knowledge to counsel with wisdom. I’ve prayerfully and carefully worked with three people with addiction, and one with depression. With each one, God confirms his call on my life. I know I didn’t suffer in vain. Every person I’ve talked to that suffers with addiction issues says the same thing: 

“It’s not terribly helpful to have a professional tell you what you need to do to get better. They can’t understand. Hearing it from someone who has been there personally, understands how you feel, and knows the medical details of addiction makes all the difference in the world.” 

I’ll keep learning, God, and you take me where I need to go. 

 From my heart,

“Hold on God, I’ll be there in a minute!”

Whenever I yell through the house to the kids, their first response is “Hold on.”

It doesn’t matter why I’m calling them—to come down for supper, finish a chore, or eat a hot fudge sunday, the response is still the same.  “Hold ooonnnnn!”

As a parent, it drives me crazy. When I call them, I want and expect them to come.

As children of God, how often do we put him on hold?

  • God, let me just get through these e-mails first, then I can do my devotion.
  • God, if you will just let me get this car paid off, then I will give more to you.
  • God I know you want me to be more involved at church, but I’m so busy with work right now. I’ll have more time for you when tax season ends.
“God doesn’t give us children to make us 
better parents, he gives us children 
to make us better children.” ~Betsy Kenney
The world will do everything possible to keep Jesus out of sight and out of mind. We much intentionally make Jesus a part of every day. In a recent sermon at Brookwood Church, Mike Hepola listed five things necessary to get to Jesus:
  • Identify the roadblocks that keep you from Jesus. Like fear of criticism? Time? 
  • Get rid of  excuses.
  • Don’t hide your pain. God is strongest when we are weak. 
  • Express faith and experience the miracle of forgiveness~as far as the east is from the west.
  • Live in a way that represents a changed life. A changed life is contagious. 
Don’t settle for a life that is void of Jesus.

The Lord will carry out his sentence upon the earth fully and without delay. 

You never know when the next day will be your last.
From my heart,

A Little Beachy Goodness

Our marriage verse. 
Our life verse. 

Has it always been easy? 

Have we served none the less? 

When I ponder our lives and see where we are now, 
the choice was always clear. 

We will serve the Lord

And he has rewarded us abundantly. 

Enjoy a little beachy goodness from our vacation 😉
The fancy

and the fun…
Hope you enjoyed the…

From my heart,



Don’t you just love this verse? Current application for me: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

We are immersing ourselves in white sugary beaches and tantalizing blue water.

(View from our balcony)

Rest for a while, he says.

Vacations of my past were filled with the stress and anxiety of addiction, migraine headaches and seizures. Especially at the beach. The glaring sun and blistering heat set up perfect conditions. Those vacations were anything but restful—only stressful and guilt-ridden. My family suffered the consequences of my depression.

But no more.

I’m enjoying every little bit of this vacation, thankful for every minute of freedom, good health, and happiness.

So as I take a little time away from my blog, I pray that you will be enjoying a little rest as well as this summer comes to an end.

I’m sure I won’t be able to stay away for too long though. I’ll see you soon!

From my heart, 

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Be careful little ears what you hear

Summer months are lazy months. Kids are home from school and all they want to do is sleep late and then when they finally do get out of bed, they plop down on the sofa to television. And I fall right into the trap with them! Especially if there’s housework to be done. Procrastination is often my adversary. 

When I start feeling like a sloth
                                                                                                         …I get my iTunes going. 

At least it does these days. 

During my years of depression, you would never find me listening to music. Why? It made me think. I didn’t want to think, I didn’t want to hear anything that might make me feel something. I didn’t want to hear any of the voices inside my head (an upcoming blog post you don’t want to miss.) So television was my go-to. I could sit numbly on the sofa absorbed in someone else’s made up life. Actually kind of like the One Tree Hill marathon I watched with Miranda last week…but that’s a different story

I’ve been blogging about the five senses God gave us and today we will talk about hearing. 

What we hear has a direct route to our brains and has a direct effect on the way we think. In the elderly population, depression is often triggered by a loss of hearing. This sparked the idea that sound therapy could be a solution for depression in the hearing population…they just need to be listening to the right stuff. 

This is where my research got really technical…and actually really boring…reading about difference in frequency and sound waves. I’ll just depend on those providing sound therapy to handle that part. I’m much more interested in what it does to the brain. Here’s what a found (it’s bit technical too, but much more interesting—if the sciency stuff loses you, skip down til you see the ***):

Sound Therapy is a non-pharmacological option in the treatment of depression and a tool that could make counseling more effective by supporting it with a physiological impact on brain activation. Creative, focused work or meditation also stimulates the left hemisphere. Research showed that the stronger is the left orientation, the happier the person is likely to be. Sound Therapy directly stimulates the left-brain, so long term Sound Therapy listening is likely to increase levels of happiness. Someone who had had a tendency to depression may need a significant period of time to reshape the brain’s responses. Sound therapy has also side effects, but they are all good: better sleep, more energy, better audition, memory, concentration and learning abilities improved… Don’t you think it is better for you or your child than the drugs with all these terrible side effects?

Okay, so it works on the left hemisphere of the brain. Here’s a little more of my research: 

Remember that brain diagram I gave you the other day to illustrate the awe of God’s creation? It’s a diagram of the limbic system—right where our emotional responses come from and right where sound therapy works. The left pre-frontal cortex mentioned above is the first responder in our brains to any type of emotional event. If it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, we don’t know how to recover from very sad events. That’s often when depression occurs. So anything that can keep these parts of our brain functioning like God planned, and in a manner pleasing to God, is a good thing. 

Do I think sound therapy is a cure all? No. But I do believe God gave us what we need. He made us in his image. He gave us a brain that is unbelievable and five senses that have a direct effect on that brain. We need to lean on him, not on our own understanding and the trends our world has conformed to. 

I hope I didn’t lose you with all the sciency stuff. All five senses can be used to fight depression. We just have to know how to use them correctly. 


Remember the song we sang in Sunday School? 

God tells us in today’s prescription verse above we should not conform to this world, and our society is all about the quick fix. I’ll be the first to tell you that antidepressants are very helpful for some people. But not this many:

October 19, 2011


Antidepressants apparently keep a lot of people functional, according to new data from the federal government.


The most recent statistics about antidepressant use in the United States, released Wednesday, show 11% of Americans ages 12 and older take the medication. Antidepressants are the most common prescription drug used by people ages 18 to 44. Almost one-quarter of all women ages 40 to 59 take antidepressants. 

Click here to read the entire article. You will be stunned.

What if some disaster happened and drugs were suddenly unavailable? Where would that leave us? Our need for medication keeps us imprisoned. Sometimes this is unavoidable, and we deal with it.

But are 11% of all Americans over 12 years of age really clinically depressed?

I don’t think that’s part of God’s plan. Do you?

From my heart, 


P.S. Click here to go to my delicious stack with more articles on sound therapy and depression. 

          P.S.S. In case you’re really interested in Sound Therapy specifically, Here are some links for    sound therapy providers, but I think the right music on iTunes can be pretty effective 😉

Antidepressants apparently keep a lot of people functional, according to new data from the federal government.The most recent statistics about antidepressant use in the United States, released Wednesday, show 11% of Americans ages 12 and older take the medication. Antidepressants are the most common prescription drug used by people ages 18 to 44. Almost one-quarter of all women ages 40 to 59 take antidepressants.

Make-a-change Monday~Simplify

I’m a “want-it-right-now” kinda girl. Patience is not one of my virtues. Obviously over the seven years I was sick, God was well aware of my lack of patience and was trying to teach me a thing or two.  And I’ve learned my lesson. The hard way.

Making changes that produce great results don’t come easy.
  • No matter how many times I throw away all the junk in my pantry promising myself that I will feed me and my family only healthy food. The Fudge Rounds and Lucky Charms always creep their way back in. 
  • Every time I get all of the clutter cleaned up, I swear I will not let it pile up like that again. Let the following picture tell you how that has turned out. I just took these on Instagram (6:52 pm Sunday evening)
If you read Saturday’s post: I’ve been kidnapped, you’ll 
understand why I have an air mattress in my living room…
I promise this will look like a completely different house tomorrow, but I can’t seem to keep it that way. It’s a simple concept I attempt (though obviously fail) to teach my kids… “when you get something out, put it away.” So simple, right? 

You would think.

Living with pack rats (the other four members of my family) plus three dogs and two cats…it’s a full zoo. Here’s just a small representation 😉

I wouldn’t trade my crazy zoo for anything. They all bless me. But things around here must get under control!  

I know the answer; I just don’t like what it takes to get there. I’ve had the “sign”—literally—for years:


I’ve followed a blog for a while called “Simple Mom” that’s all about simplifying your life. I think mine needs an overhaul. 

So my {make-a-change} this Monday was buying the following book. I’ve been trying for years to simplify…it’s obvious I need some help! The title caught my attention. One Bite at a Time sounds like it’s all about small changes. Right up my alley. 

It’s a $5.00 e-book and hopefully well worth the money. I’ll let you know how it goes in upcoming posts. Maybe I’ll share some of my changes and some pics with you on upcoming {make-a-change} Mondays and you can join along with me. Although, hopefully, you are not all as hopeless…

From my heart,