Tips to a Happier You in 2012~The Muddled Multitasking Mind

Join me inside my head for a few moments, will you?
I have got to go clean up the kitchen. 
{Walk to kitchen} 
I can’t believe Marlee left her dirty socks in the floor when she took off her shoes.
 {Pick up socks and take them to the laundry room}
Shoot— I can’t believe I forgot to take the clothes out of the washer last night and now the smell horrible! 
If I have to start it again, I might as well go see if there are any more towels and washcloths upstairs.
{Walk upstairs}
This bathroom is a mess. Miranda’s cabinet has got to be cleaned out. 
{Sit down in front of her bathroom cabinet}
Where did she get all this stuff? Oh, here’s her contact lens case.
 {Pulling out stuff, creating a mess on the floor} 
I must make her eye doctor appointment. 
{Walk downstairs to get phone}
I missed a call; let’s see whom it was from.
{Click on my email by accident}
E-mail from Vonda. I have to get this article finished for her.
{Go get computer}
Oh, I haven’t even done my blog post for this weekend! 
At the end of the hour (or two) that it’s taken me to run from task to task, here’s the situation:
   My kitchen’s a mess
   The clothes in the washer still stink
   Miranda’s bathroom is now messier than it was to begin with
   No eye appointment has been made
   Have no idea who I missed a call from
   The article is still unfinished
   I still have a blog post to do
   I’m frustrated and overwhelmed
Can you relate? 
I always think I can multitask, but I never get any one thing accomplished when I do. 
Look at today’s prescriptions verse. Let steadfastness have its full effect…
steadfast |ˈstedˌfast|
resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering 
steadfastly adverb
steadfastness noun
ORIGIN Old English stedefæst [standing firm] (see stead , fast ).
We need to be resolute and unwavering in what we do. Now, I realize “resolute” may be a little extreme for washing the dishes, but obviously multitasking does not work for me. I’ve never been one to do anything half way, good or bad. It’s my personality. I need to handle the everyday chores the same way. 
“To do two things at once is to do neither,” wisely wrote the Roman philosopher Publilius Syrus in the first century B.C. And modern research is proving him right. 
Now for the sciency stuff: 
If you’ve read some of my other tips, you know about cortisol—otherwise known as the “fight or flight” hormone, or stress hormone. 
We juggle different tasks; our brain perceives it as stress, and produces cortisol. An increased level of Cortisol causes a decrease in the level of serotonin, thus causing depression and anxiety. 
In addition, increased cortisol causes: 
   An increase in blood pressure
   Chronic fatigue
   Weight gain
   A drop in immune response leading to viruses and infections
These are awfully negative consequences for doing something we think increases our productivity, when in reality it doesn’t. It takes longer to do two things at once that to focus and get them done one at a time. We can only process one activity at a time, and it takes our brain a few seconds to switch from one activity to another. 
For those of you like me, leading a crazy busy life, an article from WebMD offers the following suggestions:
   Mix and match. Pair high-cortical involvement tasks — those that involve judgment — with routine, physical tasks that the cerebellum, the brain’s autopilot, can handle. For example, talk to your mom on the phone while folding laundry.
   Rest your case. If your hectic schedule demands you rise at the crack of dawn, steal an hour from the TV at night. A sleepy brain can’t focus.
   Wean from screens. Resist email, the Internet, texting — anything that’s not essential to the work you’re doing right now.
   Ban boredom. Try to do what you love and what matters most. Organize your life around this principle, and you won’t be tempted away from the task at hand.
I have been using The Pomodoro Technique recently. To put it simply, you set a timer for twenty-five minutes and focus on only one activity until the timer goes off. There is much more to it that you can read if you like in the Pomodoro Technique PDF you can download for free here.
Let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
So for today’s tip, join with me in learning to focus and quit running yourself in circles.
I challenge you to get a simple kitchen timer and focus on one thing at a time in increments of twenty-five minutes. Whether it’s laundry, writing, praying, reading, or cleaning, choose one item. Work on it for twenty-five minutes, take a five minutes break, then reset the timer and start again. Do this consistently for just three or four hours one morning and just see how much you’ve accomplished. 
I bet you’ll be surprised! 
From my heart,

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Time to Dance

I will admit that this Southern Baptist girl hasn’t done much dancing in her time. It’s not that I don’t like dancing; I’ve just never had many opportunities to dance. There was my senior prom, for which my date (now my hubby) and I learned to shag, but beyond that we have never spent too much time in ballrooms.
With the era of X-Box and PlayStation, you no longer need a fancy dress and a ballroom to dance. You can dance right in your living room with your kids, and it’s fun! The simple act of playing “Dance, Dance, Revolution” with your kids covers several of my previous “Tips to a Happier You” from this blog series. Dancing is exercise, of course, so that covers my “Get Moving” tip, and if your family’s dancing ability is like mine, there will be no need for “Laughter Aerobics!”
My kids love to dance. Miranda, in particular, loves any dance that is goofy. She is definitely not a Waltz/Tango kinda girl, but more of the Chicken Dance/Apache type. There is an old sitcom, “Friends” in which a nerdy brother and sister get to appear on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve, and they decide the only way to get the camera on them is to do “the routine,” a dance they made up in the middle school. Miranda talked Trevor into learning “the routine” with her. I can’t tell you the hours they have spent laughing and recording themselves doing “the routine.” So this past Christmas, David and I decided we would learn the routine and record it to play for the kids on Christmas morning. I could not believe the fun we had trying to learn that stupid dance and recording it! Not only did we get lots of laughter out of it, but the kids got quite a laugh on Christmas morning as well! 
Dancing has been shown in studies to lower stress and depression. Not everyone likes the “sciency” reasons that dancing helps with depression, so here’s a link to my Delicious stack with articles that give you the sciency stuff if you’re interested. 
And of course, dancing is biblical. Read today’s prescription verse from Ecclesiastes. And how many times does David dance before the Lord? He was definitely a man with a heart for God. 
So this week’s tip to a happier you is to dance. Pull out the Dance Revolution cd for your X-Box and get dancing with your family. You’ll exercise and bond with your kids; you’ll not only boost your mood, but you’ll be doing the same for your whole family! I promise once everyone gets involved, y’all will have a ball! 

Just to get you motivated, Here’s “the routine” from friends: 

With a few bribes for Miranda, I talked her into letting me post her and Trevor’s version of “the routine.” I know they’re my kids, but I loved it. I hope you enjoy it because I have to do her kitchen chores for a week and give her four foot rubs after work! 


If David wouldn’t divorce me, I’d show you our versions of “the routine.” The laughter alone would be enough to boost anyone’s mood! 
So dance. Be sure to laugh at yourself—it’s a necessity if you’re a Baptist like me and never really learned to dance! And by all means, dance like no one is watching…
From my heart, 


Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Do you have insomnia? Learn how to sleep!

When God created the earth, he rested on the seventh day. Wouldn’t it be nice if we only had to rest once a week? It sure would free up time for my to-do list. But sleep doesn’t work that way. God created us to need sleep, and unfortunately, a little more than once a week. 
When I was in the midst of my seven years of hell, insomnia plagued me frequently. In my depression, all I wanted to do was sleep. But also in my depression, I didn’t want to do anything at all, so my brain never really told my body it needed sleep. So of course the pharmacist in me took the easy way out—a sleeping pill called Ambien. The depression and lack of activity, however, even kept the Ambien from working the way it should. I never slept for more that two to three hours at a time, and once I went twenty-one days straight with not one wink of sleep. I know, I’d tell you it was impossible too if I didn’t experience it myself. 
The sleep-wake cycle is complex. No two ways about it. There are six stages total sleep-wake cycle, and each of the following hormones plays a part: Cortisol, Acetylcholine, Glutamine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Serotonin, Adenosine, Galanin, GABA, Melatonin, Progesterone, etc.; are you getting the picture? Did God create a complex brain or what? He knew what he was doing and He gives us instructions on how to take care of it.
…And when they sleep, they will wake refreshed. 
(Jeremiah 31:26 CEV)
It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil;
For he gives to his beloved sleep. 
(Psalm 127:2 ESV)
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” 
For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. 
(Mark 6:31 ESV)
On September 25, 2010, when God showed mercy on me and rescued me from the pit I was in, quite a few light bulbs came on. The revelations didn’t come all at once, but over a few months God revealed truths to me that I couldn’t see in the pit. I won’t bore you with too much sciency stuff, but I want to give you some absolutes about sleep. 
   Some type of exercise early in the day will help you sleep at night. 
When we exercise, our body makes cortisol (our fight or flight hormone), which lasts in our body about eight hours. It also breaks down ATP to give us energy and a hormone called adenosine. Once the cortisol level begins to drop off early in the evening, the adenosine is there and ready to calm us down to get ready to sleep. If we exercise too late in the day, the timing doesn’t allow this process to occur any faster, so we can’t get to sleep. Since I’ve started running in the mornings, I’m typically asleep within a minute…once I stop talking of course. 

   A sleeping pill is meant for short-term use only. 

As is the case with many drugs, once your body becomes used to them, their effect declines. Ambien, a common one used today, activates GABA receptors in your brain that control the rhythm of sleep cycles. It’s speculated that Ambien does not allow for an adequate amount of REM sleep which is necessary to recall past events. If you’ve ever taken Ambien, you know that it really messes with your memory. I can remember waking up in my bed, having no memory of the night before—no memory of getting the kids to bed, cleaning up the kitchen, or taking my shower, yet apparently I had done them all. 

   Meditation can be a powerful tool, not medication. 

I used to roll my eyes when people told me that. I always thought meditation was just a new age title for prayer. Now I have been known to recommend prayer at bedtime, because when we pray, the devil will put us right to sleep! But when insomnia is a problem, prayer can sometimes make us dwell on the things in our lives that cause worry. Here’s a little meditation trick that I find very helpful when you can’t go to sleep: 

When you are in the bed completely relaxed, begin breathing in and out slow to the count of four.
Breathe in…1 2 3 4; breathe out…1 2 3 4.
 Each time you breathe out, try to let your body relax a little more by the count of four. 
By counting, your brain doesn’t have time to think about all of the things trying to crowd your brain. The repetitive action of counting and breathing naturally helps our bodies produce calming hormones like melatonin. It works like a charm. 
   Sleep in a dark, quite room. 

The happy hormone that I’ve talked so much about, serotonin, is actually converted to melatonin to help us get into that deep sleep. However, it is impossible for serotonin to be converted to melatonin in light. Melatonin can only be produced in the dark. That’s why it’s so difficult for people who work third shift to get on a sleep cycle that is effective, and why there is such a high incidence of depression and insomnia in Alaska when the sun shines twenty hours out of the day. It may be “all in our mind,” but it’s the chemicals “all in our mind” that are in control. 
I know this was a lengthy post, but sleep is essential to everything we are. Lack of sleep causes us to be depressed, overweight, fatigued, in pain, short-tempered, stressed, anxious, etc., and insomnia plagues more people than you might think. Please share this with anyone you know who suffers from insomnia. The pharmaceutical world we live in pushes us to take this for that or that for this, when the best answer to insomnia is simple lifestyle changes. 
So put some of these tips into practice and sleep your way to a happier you! 
From my heart, 


Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Acts of Kindness & Altruism

Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”
 (Romans 15:1-2 Msg)

The definition of altruism in the New American Oxford Dictionary reads as follows: 

altruism |ˈaltroōˌizəm|
the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others 

One of the foundational truths repeated time and time again throughout the Bible is that we should practice altruism:
You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.
(Mark 12:31 ESV)

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law of the Prophets.
(Matthew 7:12 ESV)

We are to care for and have compassion for our fellow man.

Much scientific research has been done on the effects of altruism, and it has been proven time and time again it benefits both the giver and the receiver. Acts of kindness and altruism have shown to actually increase serotonin production in both parties involved.

When we are depressed, we tend to maintain the “poor, pitiful me” status. You can only remain miserable by continuing to look inward. When we begin to help someone else, we take our focus off ourselves and begin looking outward.

In doing some research on altruism, I did find a few studies that support findings that altruism can contribute to depression. The giver can get wrapped up in the problems of the receiver and become depressed. I do understand that way of thinking, and that’s where our faith must come into play. There will always be sad situations that are ultimately out of our control. But that’s where God comes in. We are only commanded to help others, not to solve all of their problems. God has a plan and as Christians, we must trust him to carry out that plan. We are only to carry out the part of that plan as he presents it to us.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
(Romans 8:28 ESV)
In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will,
(Ephesians 1:11 ESV)
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
(Matthew 19:26 ESV)
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
(Proverbs 19:21 ESV)
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
(Jeremiah 29:11 ESV)

Serving others is always an adventure. To begin an act of service is to open yourself up to blessings you never know existed.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’(Matthew 25:40 ESV)

Matthew 6:19-21 tells us not to collect treasures here on earth, but to lay up our treasures in Heaven. Have you ever wondered what that really means? Every single person on the earth has eternal significance—they all have souls worth saving—and will be our treasures in Heaven. 

I challenge you this week to look outward into the world around you and see what you can do for someone else.

From my heart,


Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Get Moving!

When God created man, He sent them out to work in the garden. He didn’t tell them to sit down at the computer and play Farmville on Facebook. 
We were created in His image. 
He created the intricately detailed system of nerves, glands, neurons, and neurotransmitters in our brain that controls our emotions. 
All that He created was good. 
But our world has changed.  
As I mentioned in a recent post on the benefits of being outdoors, (click here to read: “Do you have nature deficit disorder?”) our world has become more and more industrialized, and our jobs don’t consist of the hard labor they once did. 
Our bodies were made to move. Our brains crave movement to keep everything up there in balance. Exercise must be a priority in our lives to keep the chemicals in our brain working properly. 
Here comes the “sciency” part: 
Remember that cortisol is the “fight or flight” hormone? It’s the one released when we are in any type of stressful situation, emotional or physical. When we exercise, we put our bodies under stress, and cortisol is released. 

But wait, cortisol is bad isn’t it? 
Cortisol is necessary for those emergency situations when we must react quickly–the “fight or flight” situations. But we don’t want cortisol hanging around all the time. Exercise is always difficult when we start. We put our bodies under stress that we aren’t used to and our body reacts by releasing cortisol. As we increase the intensity and duration of exercise, our endurance gets better and our bodies don’t perceive stress nearly as quickly, so not as much cortisol will be released. The more we increase our endurance, the better our bodies respond to stress. And when cortisol is low, serotonin–our happy hormone–is high. 
As an added bonus, when we exercise, endorphins are released into our brains. The word “endorphin” comes from “endogenous + morphine.” Endorphins have always been known as the “feel good” substance in our brains. Here is an excerpt from an article on endorphins that explains them well:

“Although more research needs to be done, endorphins are believed to produce four key effects on the bodymind: they enhance the immune system, they relieve pain, they reduce stress, and postpone the aging process. Scientists also have found that beta-endorphins can activate human NK (Natural Killer) cells and boost the immune system against diseases and kill cancer cells. In contrast to short-intensity workouts like sprinting or weightlifting, prolonged, continuous exercise like running, long-distance swimming, aerobics, cycling or cross-country skiing appears to contribute to an increased production and release of endorphins. This results in a sense of euphoria that has been popularly labeled the “runner’s high.” (To view the article in it’s entirety, click here:  “What are Endorphins?”)*

I’ve included a chart here that I found on the University of California Santa Cruz website on how cortisol and endorphins play a part in managing stress that explains it well if you’re interested: Managing Stress
I know it’s all very complex and confusing to us, but not to God. He made us in His image…perfection. Whether you care about the “sciency” stuff or not, I know you care about how you feel. We need to live the best lives we can with what God gave us. I started running a few months ago myself, and I’m up to three miles. I promise you if I can do it, you can too! 

So get moving!

From my heart,


* by Bonnie O’Sullivan and Dale Maxwell “What are Endorphins?”

Tips for a Happier you in 2012~Do you have nature deficit disorder?

Since yesterday’s post was rather lengthy and also gave you tips to a happier you, I’ll make today’s tip simple and easy. 
Go outside! Just as in today’s prescription verse, there are many references in scripture to the calming power of nature–God’s creation. 
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
 Psalm 23:1-3 (ESV)
But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10 (ESV)
And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 
Matthew 6:28-30 (ESV)
I have found that when I am indoors working all day, just a few minutes walking outside will help me feel refreshed and will lift my mood. If I get a headache from looking at a computer screen too long, I can walk outside, take a breath of fresh air, and it will disappear. 
There haven’t been any specific studies that I could find linking Vitamin D (which our bodies produce when we are exposed to sunlight) to depression. There are, however, many implications that Vitamin D may be related to depression when we consider Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a depressive disorder that occurs often during cold, winter months that occurs because people don’t get enough sunlight and exposure to UVB rays. 
An article I read recently on MSN suggests one of the reasons Americans in history were not so affected by depression: 
“What it means: “For 300,000 generations, humans were hunter-gatherers and farmers,” says Pretty. “Yet for the last six to eight generations, we have been living in an increasingly industrialized world. The disconnection from nature is deeply felt.” Which is why a mere five minutes of nature can have such a profound impact, he says. “That small amount of time makes more sense when you see it in the context of where people are coming from—stepping outside from a stressful day, for example,” he says. In many cases, the effect can be almost immediate; your mood lifts as if by magic.” Here’s the link to read more: MSN article: Five Minutes Outside Can Boost Your Mood
Also, the number of people on antidepressants in the United States is staggering. One out of every ten Americans over the age of 12 years old is taking and antidepressant. What are we doing wrong that Americans are searching out prescriptions for depression? I recently read an international article alluding to the fact that other countries look at Americans as a bunch of psychos because of all of the psychotropic drugs that we take. Now that can make me SAD. Here is the link to the article if you’d like to see more statistics: CDC Statistics on Antidepressant Use
God gave us instruction in His word, and now without realizing it, scientists are proving that following these instructions are exactly what we need! 

From my heart,


Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Your Handiwork

Has anyone tried Laughter Aerobics, my first tip to a happier you? (Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Laughter Aerobics) Well, here’s my next tip to a happier you: 

Work with your hands…“Handiwork.”
I realize this really doesn’t make much sense, but it is another thing we can do that will naturally increase the serotonin in our brain. When we do repetitive, coordinating movement with our hands, the amount of serotonin in our brain will increase. The ideas are limitless–scrap booking, knitting, origami, playing guitar, pottery, jewelry making, carpentry–after all, Jesus was a carpenter.
Here’s why: 

Handiwork increases contentment~When you are working with your hands doing something that requires a little thought (but not stressful thought), your mind doesn’t have time to worry about the past or the future, but instead settles on the thoughts of the moment you are in helping you be content. 
Handiwork decreases pain~As a pharmacist, I’ve seen patient after patient who suffers from depression also be diagnosed with fibromyalgia. When serotonin is low, your threshold to pain is low. Any repetitive movement you do with your hands has been shown to directly increase the levels of serotonin in your brain, not only increasing your mood, but also increasing your threshold to pain. Also, pain is perceived in your brain. Your brain cannot concentrate on two things at the same time, so when you’re concentrating on what you’re doing with your hands, your brain literally cannot interpret pain signals and your pain will decrease. 
Handiwork may help overcome addiction~Have you ever known someone who has a knitting or crochet project in their hands every time they sit down to relax–every time their mind might be idle? Often these hobbies like knitting, crochet, or cross-stitching become addictive. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. Through research (and through my own learned personal experiences) it has been found that the tendency toward addiction has a genetic component. Being “addicted” to knitting may work to keep another addiction from surfacing. And in turn, addiction to knitting might help someone overcome another addiction by keeping that idle mind occupied so whatever addiction is will not be at the forefront of his or her mind. 
Handiwork increases productivity~Someone who is depressed typically lives in a hopeless state. They have a hard time setting goals, because they truly cannot motivate themselves enough to accomplish them. They feel unproductive and worthless. Picking up and easy “handiwork” hobby like knitting can be such an easy thing to do to begin to transform a depressed mind into one that wants to learn, set goals, and even do something for someone else. When I was so sick, in and out of the hospital, someone knitted me a prayer blanket. As she made the blanket, she prayed over it, blessing her and me both! 
Handiwork helps you relax~Remember I taught you about the hormone, cortisol, in the Laughter Aerobics Post? Well, it comes into play here as well. When you work with your hands in any movement that is repetitive and requires a little coordination, it causes relaxation and your cortisol level decreases, therefore allowing your serotonin levels to increase, therefore creating a happier you! 

Get those hands busy!

From my heart,


Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Laughter Aerobics

As a pharmacist, a patient, and a child of God who’s had to be “parented” quite a lot over the last eight years, I have learned many practical solutions to insomnia, depression, anxiety, and addiction. I’ve also learned that these four issues often go hand in hand, and are directly related to the chemicals in our brain. The pharmacist in me sought a medical solution–pills. And as most of you know, pills just made things worse.
Throughout this year, I’m going to share small, easy changes you can make in your life that will make for a happier you. All of these tidbits of information are based in both scientific fact and scripture. Medicine and faith really can walk hand in hand when God is your first and foremost physician. I’ll try to keep it simple as far as the “sciency” stuff goes, but a little knowledge about the brain really helps understand why these solutions work.
Most of you have probably heard about the hormone we have called serotonin, right? It’s that almighty chemical the media flooded us with information about when Prozac was first introduced. There is another hormone in your brain called cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone that really kicks in we we are under high stress, afraid, in a hurry, etc. It’s the one that helps us with our “fight or flight” mechanism. Remember that term from high school biology? Well, these two hormones do not coexist well. When Cortisol is high, like when you are worried or stressed, Serotonin is low. And vice versa. 
I’m here to tell you that you don’t need Prozac or one of it’s relatives to help. There are numerous small changes you can make in your lifestyle that have been clinically proven to increase the serotonin levels in your brain. 
Today I want to tell you about laughter aerobics. “What?” Yes, laughter aerobics. This has got to be one of the silliest things I’d ever heard of, but it really exists. Laughter aerobics is a class where people basically sit in a circle and one person is appointed to begin laughing. Fake, real, goofy…it doesn’t matter. They just have to laugh. In turn, everyone else starts laughing too. The great thing is, you don’t have to go to an aerobics class! In the evening, after your work day is complete, do some laughter aerobics with your family. Your kids will think you’re nuts, but that’s all part of the fun! I promise you will end your day with a happy note, your cortisol levels will decrease, your serotonin levels will increase, and as a bonus, you will sleep better.
To top it off, science is not the only confirmation that laughter will make you happier. Read the prescription verse for today. From this verse comes the quote we’ve all heard, “laughter is the best medicine.” 
So tonight, begin your new year by making this small change. Spend just five minutes with your family playing laugh aerobics. I promise you won’t regret it and what do you have to lose?
From my heart, 

Dr. God


     We have always heard God referred to as “father,” but how often do we really think of him as our father? Our daddy? It’s hard because he is not tangible. We cannot touch or hug him. But when he created us, he gave us the ability to have faith. We just have to tap into it. With faith, we can use our imagination to imagine him sitting on the sofa with us talking; sitting at the kitchen table while we do read our Bible; wrapping his arms around us when we are hurting. All we have to do is take the step to go there.
     Now let’s take it a step further. God is our father, and he wants us to talk to him and get to know him just as we would our earthly father. But he is also the great physician. Our great physician. So why do we rely so heavily on doctors and medicine to help us? I’ve quoted this before, but it definitely bears repeating:
     “If God’s aim is to grant perfect health to all his children, he has failed, because no one enjoys perfect health, and everyone dies. But if God’s aim is to expand the boundaries of his kingdom, then he has succeeded. For every time he heals, a thousand sermons are preached.”~Max Lucado
     When I had my first seizure, it was a total shock. It came completely out of nowhere. Here was my thought process: “What in the world happened to my brain and why? How am I possibly going to keep from driving for 6 months with three kids? Well, maybe somehow this is God’s way of protecting me from an accident or something.” Then, after a few months I thought, “You know, David and I have gotten to spend much more time together since I haven’t been able to drive. It’s really been good for us.” I was looking for what God was teaching me. But then, after I had the second seizure when I broke my nose and ended up with sinus surgery, my focus shifted. Rather than rely on God and look for what he was teaching me, I began to try to figure out how I could fix myself. The ‘sciency’ pharmacist in me began to search for a cure. That’s when the snowball turned into an avalanche, and for seven years I was lost…searching…in all the wrong places. 
     As a child, we need our daddy to “make me feel better.” As adults, whether our dads are still with us or not, we must rely on our heavenly father to make us feel better. Well, God is not only our father, but also the great physician. We can rely on him for comfort in times of need, but we can also rely on him for healing. He WILL heal us if we accept, love, and get to know him personally. But here’s the catch: God has so much good stuff in store for us, but it may not be here on this earth. He has perfect health for us, but it may not be here on this earth. We will have to endure tough stuff while we live in this world. He tells us in John 16:33: In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. He will heal us, but it may be through death and entrance into heaven. 
      We think of our lifetime as lasting forever, because our human brains cannot comprehend eternity. But in reality, the span of time we spend here on earth is like a drop in the ocean compared to eternity. The sooner we can focus on the bigger picture, accept what we have here do what God wants us to with it, the sooner we can find peace, contentment, and happiness in our life here because we know it’s in preparation for bigger things to come. I’m not saying to just accept bad things as your fate in life…we just can’t have a victim mentality. I’m just saying if we take what God has given us, and look for ways to use our life for him, we will find peace and will be rewarded abundantly. 
      So let’s rely on God, our heavenly father, our great physician, to lead and guide us through whatever we are going through. Use his words to find comfort and healing. Imagine his loving arms around you and his peace flowing over you. I have Marlee imagine Jesus wrapping his arms around her every night when she is in bed saying her prayers. Please don’t roll your eyes…I know, it might seem silly to some. But if you can just do what he says when he tells us to “Be still and know that I am God,” the intangible will actually become tangible…real. If you are still enough and quiet enough, you can feel him. 
     “Be still…”

God’s Pharmacy

When God created the earth, it was good. So when he created man, we had everything we would ever need. Between the resources he gave us and the brain he equipped us with, mankind was all set. Until…


Everything on this earth was created from, well, this earth. We started out with what God gave us, and that is all we have ever had. All resources we have ever needed were given to us when God created this earth. 

Normally if I hear anyone speak of this verse, it’s in relation to nutrition, food choices, or a vegetarian diet. I’m going a little deeper. In pharmacy school, I learned about the origin of all pharmaceuticals. What  would you imagine it is? If God created everything on this earth, then things on this earth were all we had to work with. Between the use of our brains and the resources God gave us, our “pharmacy” was created. There actually use to be a class in pharmacy school called  “Pharmacognosy,” which is the study of medicines derived from natural resources, but most school have eliminated that class because we have manipulated drugs so much that the “natural” part of the drug is basically obscure. 

In the development of drugs over the years, scientists have discovered amazing chemicals  vital to survival. The problem is, however, the more we learned about what our brain can do and what chemicals can do, the farther we have strayed from the pharmacy God created for us. Sometimes knowledge is power, sometimes it’s dangerous. Depends on what you do with it. Ever been told that you know too much for your own good? 

Take the coca plant for instance. It is a plant that God created that is now used in manufacturing cocaine. Someone, sometime, somewhere, realized the effect the coca plant can have on your brain if altered a certain way. We have many chemicals in our brain God gave us to help us live as he desired, in his image. Seratonin and dopamine are well known from the knowledge of the popular antidepressants so widely dispensed today (Prozac,  Zoloft, Cymbalta, etc…). The manipulation of these chemicals with synthetically altered resources has landed our society in the mess it is today with extremely addictive, dangerous, and illegal drugs.

I have added two links here you should check out…both from reputable sources.

The first is a fact sheet on commonly abused drugs, where they came from and how they work, published by the American Council on Drug Education. You might be surprised by some of this information…Fact Sheets on Drugs.

The second is a video by National Geographic on “meth”, and how it actually works in your brain. I know you will be surprised by some of this info. Here’s the link…The science behind your brain on drugs.

This information is important. This immediate gratification, computer generation we’re in is moving too fast. Kids are hooked on drugs before they can even realize what they are. Drugs are being used more and more casually, and if we don’t educate ourselves and our kids, it will be too late. I thank God every day that when I had a hard time getting off Lortab after  sinus surgery, that I was educated at least enough to recognize it, and do what I needed to break free from it. Someone in the same situation without the knowledge of how it happened and what to do will often turn to the street to get what they need. As parents, it is imperative that we learn. Don’t be the parents that think, “my kid would never do that, he’s too smart,” or “that kind of stuff doesn’t happen in our school around here.” I’m telling you it does. It’s everywhere. And don’t think for a minute that your child is the only one at risk. Adults are at the same risk, if not more. How do you beat drug addiction? 

Education and prevention. Once the addiction has found it’s home, it’s an overwhelming beast to overcome.

I’m going to leave it at this for now. There is so much more to be said, and I will discuss it more in future blog posts. But the main point today is this…

God created us in his image. He gave us everything we should ever need. If we have God working in our hearts, and let our brains function as he created, we will never have the need to seek out “alternative” methods to escape our reality. 

as I gave you the green plants, I gave you everything.