Five-Minute Friday~”Here”


{Now honestly, here is where I want to beWink}

Just one from all the gems


But “Here” is somewhere for everybody. “Here”  may be:

  • On the Peter Pan ride at Disney World
  • In the hospital surrounded by concerned family
  • On a soccer field being cheered on by fans
  • Sitting at your desk at work thinking, “how is it only 8:57 Am?”
  • Writing a Five-Minute Friday post in my pj’s with my dog snoring beside me.




I used to wish away my “here.” If only I could…

  • Get married
  • Have a baby
  • Make enough money to be a stay-at-home mom
  • Organize my house so it’s easier to keep clean
  • Lose that extra 15 pounds
  • Finish that scrapbook
  • Finish writing this book I may never finish

Somewhere along the way, I realized I was wishing my life away. My life is “HERE.” Not tomorrow, not 5 minutes from now, not yesterday. No more “If only I could do this, then I could relax and enjoy my here and now.”

Here I am happy.

Here I am content.

Here I am blessed.

Here sometimes I’m sad.

Here sometimes I’m frustrated.

Here sometimes I’m mad.

But here is where I am, and I’m choosing to enjoy the moment.

There will come a day when “Here” is no more. I hope I get to see the rapture in one of my “here” moments. But whether or not I do, when I’m no longer “Here,” I’ll be with Jesus!




Linking up with Lisa-Jo today for Five-Minute Friday. Click on the button and jump over to read more five-minute posts!





  1. Enjoyed your thoughts this Friday morning! Thanks for putting me in TODAY! BLESSINGS!

  2. Ah, it’s so challenging to stay in the Here, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing!

  3. Denise Oldham says

    Really like this post.

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