Five-Minute Friday~”Jump”


Linking up with Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday. One word topic, write for five minutes, stop.

Today’s word is “Jump.”


jump1 copyWhen I was 8 years old, I was determined to break the world record for jumping rope. I was pretty good at it, and just knew I could do it. Three hours later and days from the record, I was pooped! But I tried. I jumped.


In the days after the Boston Marathon bomb and the school shooting in Newtown, CT, fear seems to creep in to my mind easily. The older I get, the more tragedy I see in this world. Part of me wants to homeschool the kids, put away non-perishable food in storage, and get bullet-proof windows put on the house. But that would be living in fear.

 As a child, I never though of these things. My kids, after living these tragedies, don’t want to hide from the world.




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Terrible things happen. We can’t explain them. But I know that God has a plan. God is in control. God has already overcome all of the turmoil in this world.

In this world you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

We don’t have to live in fear. Through Jesus, we have the power to live on faith. (Click here to tweet Wink)

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So don’t hesitate… JUMP!


Stop. Time’s up!










Click on the button below and check out some of the other great posts linked up with Lisa-Jo!



  1. Heather Meyer says

    Hi Celeste. Loved your pictures and the reminder that we don’t have to live in fear – your images and words made we want to leap into living to the full. Enjoyed finding you on FMF!

  2. Hi Celeste! I love your site and your message. I’m your neighbor at Five Minute Friday. I am glad that you are living by Faith and weren’t afraid to share it with us. Thanks!

  3. Elizabeth Meaders says

    Oh, my. How I need to “jump” into several “good for me” things, like diet and eating properly, walking, prioritize my time, etc….. I have a handle on “fear” so I’m good there! Thanks for this timely quick thought! Loved thinking about it….

  4. Denise Oldham says

    Amen, thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Sandra Libby says

    Thanks for this reminder and encouraging word this week. It is so easy to fear these days but we need to keep it in perspective of who is in control. Thank you.

    • We don’t always understand it, but He does have a plan. That’s where the faith comes in…and to me, just having faith is easier than worrying about it all myself! It give me a very free feeling to know that as long as we have accepted Jesus as our savior, He’s got us in His hands…no matter what.

  6. Cathy Baker says

    Great post, Celeste! We missed you last Thursday. 🙂 I’ve read a lot of good things about Gypsy Mama — I may have to head over for a visit!

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