How to Declutter the Paper That Takes Over Your Life



I’ve been AWOL for a while, I know. I’ve written tons of posts on addiction, depression, prayer, etc…and while I’m working on the book writing my story about all of those same topics, I thought it might be fun to do some other things on my blog.

My word for the year is “simplify,” and one of the constant battles in simplifying my life is paper. Random sheets of paper are brought into my house every day. If you have a job and a mailbox, I’m guessing you have the same problem. My pack-rat, scrap-paper collecting husband is notorious for making me crazy with paper. So I thought I’d share my solution with you.

I have recently realized that the clutter in my home increases the clutter and stress in my brain. Did you know there are actually links to home clutter and obesity? That’s enough reason right there to try to declutter!

A few years ago I bought my husband a Neat Scanner for his birthday. And as most organizational things I buy him, it went unused for a few years. So I decided to put it to use and it has helped so much getting rid of the paper clutter in our house!

Here’s where I started:

photoA bunch of files, at least 10-15 years old, sitting in boxes in the garage. These all used to be in a file cabinet that was so full it was hard to open. There are of course some files that need to be kept: Old tax returns, mortgage information, large purchases, etc…but for the most part most of the papers we are afraid to throw away we will never need again. Solution? Scan and shred them. Keep only what you may need the hard copy of (anything notarized, marriage licenses, wills, life insurance policies, old tax returns, etc…). But most paper can be tossed. And it feels so good to use that shredder!



photo 4

Here’s the Neat Scanner. It’s small and so easy to use! Just plug it into the wall and plug the usb into your computer. It comes with instructions to download the Neat program into your computer. Easy peasy.






Then, within the program you can create your own files. After you scan an item in, it’s in your “inbox.” Once it’s scanned in, you can add a description to it and then drag it to whatever file you’ve created to put it in. My suggestion is to create very general easy files. For example, instead of having a file for every single car you own, just have a file that says “cars.” Or to file your utility bills that have already been paid, create a file that says “utilities 2014,” rather than have a separate file for electricity, water, gas, etc… Chances are you’ll never need to look them up, and most companies have computer files of their own. But you can find them if you need them.

Below is a photo of the screen you see after you scan in your document. This is where you add a description of the document before you choose the file you want to put it in.

photoAnd here is the finished product of David’s new paperless office. There’s a small open file cabinet under the desk for those few items I mentioned earlier that you need to keep the original copy of. Also, amazon has a great, inexpensive solution to all of the wires. Click HERE if your interested in checking it out. After taking over the kitchen table and our bedroom with mounds of files and papers, we’ve simplified to this, with a few decorative touches from me of course!

photo 3














Happy decluttering!



My One Word: Simplify


I love how people pick one word as their word to live by for the year. Last year, my one word was simply “God.” I wanted to make God the center of everything in my life…to the extent that every decision I made each day was centered around my faith in him. Overall, I think the year went pretty well. Obviously, I didn’t consider God with every decision…like Chinese or Pizza for supper…but he was present and accounted for in every area of my life. Even when I screwed up (especially when I screwed up)!

What I have realized over the last year, though, is how the material things in my life interfere with God in my life.

  • When I have to manage my clutter (yes, it actually takes management skills), my focus is taken away from God.
  • When I have to manage a busy schedule, my focus is taken away from God. 
  • When I have to multitask (and we all know that’s counterproductive and bad for your brain), my focus is taken away from God. 

So this year, my one word is SIMPLIFY.

Every word you give me is a miracle word—how could I help but obey?Psalms 119: 129 

I’m confident that my DNA contains codes for hoarding, collecting, preserving, stockpiling,  and saving.

I’ve spent the first 40 years of my life (okay…43 years) accumulating stuff…Stuff that I must wash, fold, put away, organize, repair, or at the very least maintain. I figure it may take me the next 40 years to get rid of everything I spent the first 40 years obtaining. But I hope not. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life dealing with stuff. 

I want the next 40 years to be about Jesus, relationships, marriage, children, and grandchildren. I want to enjoy every little bit of my life, not constantly trying to unclutter my life. 

So this year is the beginning. The beginning to a simpler life. My goal is to post every Saturday (Simple Saturdays) on what I did that week to make life simpler. I may blog about:

  • a book I’m reading about a simpler life
  • a simple recipe
  • before and after pictures of a freshly decluttered closet
  • an old home video that I’m converting to digital (to get rid of the plethora of tapes I have around my house)
  • healthy alternatives to the metamorphasized, chemicalized, and syntheticized, products that we use in our home and on our body.

In the interest of the project, however, forgive me if I miss a week. Part of my goal in simplifying my life is dialing down my perfectionist tendencies.

Won’t you join me?

You will need big black trash bags, a close Goodwill or Salvation Army drop-off point, willpower, the word “no” in your vocabulary ready to be used, and your Bible to read daily to keep reminding you what life is really all about.

Ready, set, SIMPLIFY!


Thought #3: Stuff is just stuff

This lesson has been a hard lesson for me to learn. We moved into a new house in April of 2007. A big, clean, empty house. Our forever house. To fill with children and grandchildren…and of course the Vaughan Zoo.

So how is it that a mere five years later you’d think we’d lived in this house through at least three generations? But the closets and drawers are full, and my hubby’s business is storage warehouses, so naturally we have plenty of extra storage space for all of our necessities!

As we grow in age and experiences, both joyful and sorrowful, we gain wisdom as to what is important and what is not. For the first 40 years of my life I’ve spent accumulating those “treasures” that fill my closets, rooms, and warehouses. I’m certain I may be spending my last 40 years to getting rid of the “stuff” and laying up some treasures in Heaven instead. Only I really don’t want it to take 40 years. The word “simplify” has become a very important word in my life. If you click on that link you will see a prior blog post including some photos of a messy house that needs much purging. It’s not a quick job but it’s getting there. The biggest challenge to simplifying your home is simplifying your mind. {Care to tweet that?}

I was all about the Southern Living Magazine and Parade of Homes when I begin building my “life.” I wanted the American Dream. But the American Dream if full of empty promises. Just look at our government! (Okay, I won’t get started there). But you get my point. In 2007, I moved into my dream house, but it was the most miserable time in my life. The “stuff” solved nothing.

Now, the “stuff” just takes away my time and energy that I should be spending with my husband, my children, and my God. Not necessarily in that order. The “stuff” brings frustration. It’s constantly about making room for the new stuff. And what if something tragic happened? Like the horrendous event in Connecticut? None of the “stuff” would matter. A photograph, a toy, a few special memories to cherish…but that’s it.

Stuff is just that…stuff. It means nothing. After all, you can’t take it with you. 

Finding time to clean out is not easy. But once you start, it’s amazing how much thought you put into future purchases. T.J. Maxx used to be a dream store for me. ALL OF THAT GREAT STUFF AT DISCOUNTED PRICES! Now? I can honestly go in and get only what I’m looking for, because I know it will just be cluttering my mind and I’ll be trying to figure out what to do with it in a year.

Now remember, when I introduced you to my Ten Thoughts, I told you I wish I could write them on the back of my eyelids so every time I blink I’d get that subliminal message. That hasn’t changed. I must remind myself of these thoughts every day. But each day, they get a little easier.

Don’t let the “stuff” in your life get in the way of what’s important. There are many books and blogs out there about how to simplify your life…just google it. I have.  They are all a little different, and you can find one that’s right for you. But believe me, when you get in the mindset that stuff is just stuff, you can see the blessings in your life so much easier!


 This Organized Simplicity is a great book that I’ve used, and if you jump on over to Tsh’s site at, you’ll fine many more resources.


Another great blog post I found was at TLC Parentables: 54 Ways to Declutter and Organize Your Home. Lots of great information and advice there.

Good luck! And know that we’re in it together. Please share any resources that you happen to love!

  Thanks Bunches  Smile

Make-a-change Monday~Simplify

I’m a “want-it-right-now” kinda girl. Patience is not one of my virtues. Obviously over the seven years I was sick, God was well aware of my lack of patience and was trying to teach me a thing or two.  And I’ve learned my lesson. The hard way.

Making changes that produce great results don’t come easy.
  • No matter how many times I throw away all the junk in my pantry promising myself that I will feed me and my family only healthy food. The Fudge Rounds and Lucky Charms always creep their way back in. 
  • Every time I get all of the clutter cleaned up, I swear I will not let it pile up like that again. Let the following picture tell you how that has turned out. I just took these on Instagram (6:52 pm Sunday evening)
If you read Saturday’s post: I’ve been kidnapped, you’ll 
understand why I have an air mattress in my living room…
I promise this will look like a completely different house tomorrow, but I can’t seem to keep it that way. It’s a simple concept I attempt (though obviously fail) to teach my kids… “when you get something out, put it away.” So simple, right? 

You would think.

Living with pack rats (the other four members of my family) plus three dogs and two cats…it’s a full zoo. Here’s just a small representation 😉

I wouldn’t trade my crazy zoo for anything. They all bless me. But things around here must get under control!  

I know the answer; I just don’t like what it takes to get there. I’ve had the “sign”—literally—for years:


I’ve followed a blog for a while called “Simple Mom” that’s all about simplifying your life. I think mine needs an overhaul. 

So my {make-a-change} this Monday was buying the following book. I’ve been trying for years to simplify…it’s obvious I need some help! The title caught my attention. One Bite at a Time sounds like it’s all about small changes. Right up my alley. 

It’s a $5.00 e-book and hopefully well worth the money. I’ll let you know how it goes in upcoming posts. Maybe I’ll share some of my changes and some pics with you on upcoming {make-a-change} Mondays and you can join along with me. Although, hopefully, you are not all as hopeless…

From my heart,